Quitting cigarettes has changed my entire life.

Michelle Kessler
5 min readFeb 7, 2019


Do you smoke? Do you want to quit? Did you quit already? I feel you. I started smoking when I was 14 years old. I thought I was cool, all my friends did it, my older sister did it, and frankly, my mum did so, too. But of course, I was not cool. And it took me years to realize what I was doing to myself — but by then, I was unable to quit. Until I eventually did and everything changed. This is my story.

Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash

Fast forward a couple of years. I am 24 years old then. I live in my own apartment with a balcony. Instead of enjoying the sun out there, growing plants or having a delicious BBQ with friends, every trip to my balcony is torture. I almost exclusively step out there to “enjoy” a cigarette. Always conscious of what the neighbours might think. Do they judge me? Do they keep count of how many times I have followed my urges already today? I want to quit. I really, really want to quit. But I can’t.

A few times I make serious attempts. I watch videos, sign up for online programmes, listen to hypnosis, and download multiple apps. I might even manage for a few hours, but I always end up on the same balcony again and again. Ashamed, ridden by self-doubt and anxiety.

It gets so bad that I start to suffer from panic attacks. When I inhale deeply and something feels weird, I immediately think of lung cancer. Lower back pain? Sure must be my kidneys giving up under the amounts of nicotine they have to process. But that’s not all. I panic when I see my mum smoke. My younger sister (my older sister has exited the smoking-circle years ago), my friends and relatives. I cannot stop imagining them rotting away in some dark hospital place attached to tubes and cables some years from now. It is horrifying and still, I cannot quit. I try everything, even some tablets from the old eastern states that I import from the UK — Tabex they’re called. I quit for about a month until stress and false assumptions lure me right back into the nicotine trap.

One Wednesday night in June, I will never forget, I stand in my favourite spot on the balcony, light a cigarette — oh the last one in the pack — and inhale deeply. What if I simply not buy new ones? Could I last until the morning? I will probably stay awake for a few more hours. Just see how long I might last? Give it a go? In the past, I always wanted to end “clean”. Last cigarette right before bedtime so I wouldn’t have to suffer until the morning. Last cigarette must be the last in the pack. You can’t throw away a pack half-full, that would be a waste of money. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I pull out my phone, set the timer on my app and finish my cigarette. Guess how long I lasted this time?

Screenshot from “Smoke Free”-App

It’s been more than 1,5 years now and I miss nothing. The mere thought of inhaling smoke provokes my gag reflex now. I can’t even remember how cigarettes taste like. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind smokers around me — as long as they keep some distance and I don’t have to inhale the warm smoke myself. The way I perceive the smell of smoke, the aroma of cigarettes themselves, has changed dramatically. And so have I.

Everyone wanted to know how I did it. How did I go from almost a full pack a day to zero? Just like that? What was my secret? Honestly? I have no idea. I don’t know what made this time so different from all the other tries. At first, it was an awkward experience. I had all those habits and rituals formed around cigarettes — what am I supposed to do at a bus stop now? While waiting for a plane? A train? How do I know it is time to take a break? What goes with my coffee? Even months later, the thought of having a cigarette would randomly pop up in my mind. My hands and mouth felt empty at times but there was always that one thought that would continuously run through my head:

Push through. Don’t ever quit quitting.

And that’s what I did. I pushed through all the doubts. Pushed through the first time among smokers, the first stressful situations and the first alcohol-soaked nights. I quit smoking and the days passed, then a month, and now it has been more than a year.

I gained back my self-confidence, became obsessed with the science behind habit building and behaviours. I swapped countries, started studying again and now am about to lunch an online-business around the topics of habit-building and behavioural sciences. Quitting smoking has truly changed my life. I would have never been able to gather all the courage and strength to turn my life around so drastically if I would have not been able to take this first step. To find a reason, to believe in myself again.

Every time when self-doubt tries to take over my mind, I get back to this Wednesday night. I remember, how many times I cried on my balcony over my inability to quit what was killing me. This is what keeps me going and what makes the foundation of my newfound passion. I want to help people build better lives, reach whatever they dream of and show them, all you have to do is


They are just thoughts that will pass eventually.

If I can do it, so can you.

PS. My mom, my sisters, my stepfather and many of my friends have managed to say good-bye to the ugly habit as well.



Michelle Kessler

Media enthusiast with a love for books, travel and a keen interest in behavioural sciences and habit building.