Create Your First Web Page Using HTML

Michelle Wiginton
5 min readJun 4, 2022
Image courtesy of

In this article, I’ll be walking you how to create your first web page using HTML and how you can view your new page from your preferred web browser.

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. This is the standard markup language used for creating and building web pages. Whenever you view content from a web browser, the basic structure of the page that you are viewing was built using HTML.

When building web pages, you’ll structure and build your page using elements known as “tags”. Tags are interpreted by the web browser and help you define and structure the contents of your web page. Examples of such tags include <head>, <body>, <h1>, and <p>. Most tags you see in an HTML page will be wrapped in an opening and closing tag to let the browser know which content should be embedded in which tags. Once we start to create our web page, we’ll see some examples of how this actually works.


In order to create your web page, you’ll need a text editor of your choice to create your file. In a Windows environment, Notepad is pre-installed and is suitable for this exercise. My preferred environment is Visual Studio Code which can be installed here if you would like.

