Michelle Chen110藥師國考心得有鑑於之前分享心得的前輩們都已經工作好幾年了,近年心得文比較少加上考題方向的轉變,今年有幸在一月跟七月分別通過藥師(一)、藥師(二),秉持著前人種樹後人乘涼的精神,記錄一下準備國考的心態、方式與資料供之後要備考的人參考。Aug 15, 2021Aug 15, 2021
Michelle ChenAnchorLife without a goal to pursue, feels like floating in the outer space without gravity. These years I am so anxious about what will my…Sep 26, 2018Sep 26, 2018
Michelle ChenTheir emotions, my emotionsSince I was a child, I was taught that things can be separated by “mine” or “others”. It’s a quite appearant concept, but I found out it’s…Sep 25, 2018Sep 25, 2018