What if Kanye West is not “crazy”?

Michelle Mystique
2 min readSep 14, 2020


I often find myself understanding deeply just about everything Kanye says that is labelled “outrageous”. The man is way ahead of our time. And one day humanity will be ready to receive his message. Humanity at its current level of consciousness is just not ready.

It’s normal for starseeds to be “diagnosed” with mental illness, bipolar disorder, ADHD etc.

They do not normally fit into humanity’s definitions of “normal”. But I can assure you there is nothing wrong with them. They are just as “crazy” as they need to be for them to serve their life purpose.

Being connected to the higher dimensions and having to ground higher dimensional information on the planet is not an easy task. And certainly one that cannot be done with some level of “crazy”.

Eversince I was a little girl, I have always been uncomfortably aware of how different I was compared to the other kids. We attributed most of it to me being academically gifted, but in hindsight that was not the case. In fact, if anything, me being academically gifted is a byproduct of my “difference”.

It’s not easy to know as much as we know and maintain a normal human life.

Often times I find myself having to “dial it down” when I am with people just so I can maintain human connection — which is the most important need for any living being.

People love and admire how deep we can go creatively but that’s the only part of us they want to deal with. They don’t know (or want to deal with) the other “complicated” parts of us that come with that depth.

They do not know the darkness we have to plunge into in order to emerge as the light.

It has taken me many, many lifetimes to perfect the balance between knowing as much as I know, which is essential to serving my life purpose of pioneering never-before-seen change, and being able to communicate what I know in such a way that the masses get it, in order for them to bring about said change.

I have also had lifetimes when I was thrown into mental institutions because they thought I was “crazy”. They just couldn’t grasp the vision. And it certainly didn’t help that I could not communicate it in a way that was easy for them to understand. And I think that’s where Ye is at now.

A lot of his “rants” sound to me like a man who is just tired of holding it all in. A man who is tired of not being seen. Of not being heard. Of not being understood. I can relate.

He inspires me to not be afraid to show people how different I am, and how unconventionally I think.



Michelle Mystique

carefree black gyal navigating the world on her own terms. we talk love, spirituality, popular culture and all things contrary to the mainstream on here.