How do you eat your hard boiled egg?

Michelle Trieste
3 min readSep 10, 2021

As I sit for another quiet continental breakfast here at the monastery, I listen to how others function in this time of the Great Silence. These morning meals are the only meals that are the same, except for Sunday’s breakfast spreads. Dinners at noon and 6'oclock suppers are always a delightful surprise to the taste buds, considering the Culinary Institute has a hand in the rest of the dining pleasures here. No gnarly food here. So you hear, and occasionally notice the intricacies of how others do the smallest of feats, like eat their hard boiled eggs. Oh, yes its something to pay attention too. I think every single girl should watch how their dates peel and eat an egg. At brunch of course!

“Love and eggs are best when they are fresh” a Russian Proverb

But as a woman in her mid 50’s, there’s a lot to learn and say about accepting what your getting yourself into. Of course you begin with a roll of the dice when you grab two eggs in your palm (no pun intended) and bring them back to your placemat to eat along side your toast, yogurt and coffee.

There’s a diversity in the room on how to go about handling these protein jewels (If the guys I ride motorcycles with could have heard that one LOL).

Some people continually pierce the morning silence by tap the hard shell with the corner of their plate, spoon or…



Michelle Trieste

As a Legacy Lifestyle Concierge, aka Virtual Assistant, I specialize in helping professionals and small business owners with back-end pieces of their businesses