Understanding the Power of Ancestral Karma in Shaping Our Lives

Michelle Berry
3 min readDec 13, 2023

Have you ever felt lost, confused, or lacking direction in your life? It’s a common experience many of us go through at some point in our journey. However, what if I told you that the answer to your struggles may lie in your ancestral lineage? According to Jyotish, epigenetically 75% of the karma we carry is ancestral, meaning our lineage plays a significant role in shaping our lives.

Let’s define what we mean by ancestral karma. Ancestral karma, as the name suggests, refers to the karmic imprints left by our ancestors that have been passed down through generations. These imprints can include both positive and negative experiences, beliefs, and behaviors. For instance, if your ancestors have a history of trauma or poverty, you may have inherited those same imprints, leading to recurring patterns in your life. Similarly, if your ancestors were successful entrepreneurs or artists, you may have inherited a gift for creativity or business acumen.

Understanding our ancestral karma is critical because it allows us to connect with our lineage and gain a deeper insight into our purpose. When we honor and acknowledge our ancestral roots, we pave the way for healing and growth. For instance, if we have inherited negative imprints, such as limiting beliefs or patterns of self-sabotage, we can work towards breaking those…



Michelle Berry

Ayurvedic Professional on a mission to promote total body wellness through meditation, reiki, Ayurveda, spirituality and movement. www.michelleberrybliss.com