Vedanta: The Eternal Religion and the Consciousness of the Beyond

Michelle Berry
3 min readMar 29, 2024

Vedanta, the ancient philosophical tradition of India, stands as a beacon of timeless truth in a world of ever-changing beliefs and ideologies. Rooted in the consciousness of the beyond, Vedanta transcends the limitations of religious dogma and doctrine, offering seekers a path to spiritual liberation and union with the divine. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamental teachings of Vedanta and its significance as the eternal religion, or Sanatana Dharma.

The Essence of Vedanta

At the heart of Vedanta lies the recognition of the consciousness of the beyond — the ultimate reality that transcends the material world and encompasses the entirety of existence. Vedanta upholds the view that no religion has a monopoly on truth or revelation, recognizing the diversity of religious traditions as different paths leading to the same divine truth. Its fundamental teachings reflect the universality and impersonality of Supreme Truth, emphasizing the divinity of the soul, the unity of existence, and the harmony of religions.

Key Teachings of Vedanta

  1. Impersonality and Universality of Supreme Truth: Vedanta teaches that the Supreme Truth is impersonal and universal, beyond the limitations of name, form, and individual identity. It is the underlying essence of all…



Michelle Berry

Ayurvedic Professional on a mission to promote total body wellness through meditation, reiki, Ayurveda, spirituality and movement.