Stop dreaming

Michelle Foong
3 min readSep 29, 2015


The phrase…

“Chase your dreams…”

gets thrown around quite a lot, and I find that we really are chasing a dream rather than fulfilling a plan. This is just a thought that crossed my mind…

What exactly is a ‘Dream’?

In the Webster’s 1913 Dictionary a ‘Dream’ is defined as the following…

dream |driːm| (noun)

Pronunciation: drēmd

n.1. The thoughts, or series of thoughts, or imaginary transactions, which occupy the mind during sleep; a sleeping vision.

Dreams are but interludes which fancy makes. - Dryden.

I had a dream which was not all a dream. - Byron.

2. A visionary scheme; a wild conceit; an idle fancy; a vagary; a revery; — in this sense, applied to an imaginary or anticipated state of happiness; as, a dream of bliss; the dream of his youth.

There sober thought pursued the amusing theme,
Till Fancy colored it and formed a dream. - Pope.

It is not them a mere dream, but a very real aim which they propose. - J. C. Shairp.

So ultimately whenever we refer to a dream we really are referring to something that is more of a fantasy. We all know that fantasy is a concept of something unrealistic so why are we dreaming? Growing up we have many dreams to be someone or to be able to do something incredible, but we doubt ourselves, we get disappointed by failures and simply give up. This month was quite a tough month for me as I relaunched my business and re-thought the direction of my photographic work. It was during one of my short morning hikes that it got me thinking on how on earth did I get to where I am, and also the questions people have asked me, such as…

“What is it like to be chasing after your dreams?”

And you know what? It’s frightening. Sometimes it’s not a dream, it’s a nightmare! How did I get to where I am? I was sick and tired of being told what I had to be and decided to be who I dreamed to be — free. Then it boiled down to this next thought, “No, I’m not just chasing a dream, I’m fulfilling a plan…”

I like to plan to survive. Follow my adventures on Instagram @michefoong for my photography or @babymicko for my everyday life.

Honestly not everything has gone to plan, but that’s what makes this whole journey of “Pursuing My Dreams” more exciting. I always make sure that my plans are flexible just in case a few bogeys get thrown my way, but ultimately I still have a plan. Where crap happens along the way my eyes are always peeled for other opportunities. There’s always more than one door that can be opened — you just got to look for them and knock on every one until it’s opened. There’s more than one solution when poo gets flung at you! Tequila isn’t always the answer though…

My dream to be free may sound a little lofty, but really it’s quite a simple and realistic goal. It’s about letting go of things that we think we need to have to be successful in life — ie. being married, having a family, having a mortgage, having a full-time job, etc. Pretty much the Rat Race, but in the end when I leave this earth these things won’t be coming with me. These are things that I don’t need to worry about because there is no rule that says I must be married, that I must have a mortgage or that I must have a full-time job. Somehow we’ve gotten so caught up in this web of Life’s Expectations that we’ve forgotten that we have a choice. It’s good to work hard, but what about living? Stop dreaming about finding that balance and thinking it’s impossible, because it is possible — there’s so many people out there who have proven it.

Stop dreaming, start planning

Really the question, “What is your dream?” should be followed by, “So what is your plan?” It just makes what you want to pursue so much more tangible and possible! When we dream, that’s all we do, dream, we don’t take action. So, stop dreaming — start planning and chase it!

Looking up at the stars in Uloola Falls, NSW. Dreams can be beautiful when you plan them and fulfill them.



Michelle Foong

a human with a camera. fond of dinosaurs, nature + adventure. pretending to adult —