MN countdown #43

Michelle Law
1 min readOct 8, 2014


taken for granted

When my nursing major friend Ariel came and visited me this past summer, we has an interesting conversation about the importance of breathing well. While she provided a lot of information regarding the physical results of good breathing, I started wondering if there was such a thing as good spiritual breathing.

Though I do not have an answer for the previous thought, I have realized that each breath I take is truly a gracious act from the Lord. I understand that I was deserving of only death and separation from my Creator, and from this, I am undeserving of even the simplest things in life, such as breathing. God not only chose to create me but also to sustain me, provide for me and love me these past 23 years.

Do I thank God after every breath I take? Obviously that is impossible. However, whenever I do make the conscious effort to stop and take a deep breath, I am reminded that God desires to fill me with His grace and peace. I end today thankful for working lungs, deep breaths and our gracious God.

