How to nail your probation period

Michelle Mancini
2 min readJun 8, 2024


Accepting a job can be a rush of excitement but then comes the probation period. Many employers opt for a three or six-month probation, but how much do you actually know about probation periods? Here’s what I can share to make this time valuable for you and your new employer.

We bought a house for our “Brady Bunch”. The solicitor explained the contract and the no cooling off clause. Once we sign, that is it. No going back. We love the house and I definitely do not want to change my mind, but I had a little internal panic moment when I realised the finality of it all.

I see probation periods like cooling off periods on a contract. You don’t want to use it but sometimes it is good to know you can get out if you need to.

Accepting a new job at a new company is a big, life impacting decision. It’s an agreement with someone you don’t know that well, yet. Both the employee and the employer need time to see if this is a good match. This is a great time to confirm you both have made the right decision.

I would not worry too much about things like job security or failure but rather use this time to my full advantage and focus on the positives.

Learn as much as possible about the role, the culture and the people. Use being new as an excuse to introduce yourself to everyone. Relationships are key to your success and your ongoing career development. This is a great time to sus out who is who and start building your network map.

Give your best in your new role and then ask for feedback. Get a clear understanding of your skills-match and areas for improvement. Work with your manager to put a development plan in place. Be proactive, show you care about doing a great job and interested in improving your skills.

The more engaged you are during your probation period, the quicker you will go through all the emotional stages of starting a new role (excitement and anticipation, nervousness and anxiety, honeymoon period, reality check and overwhelm, settling in) and get to the good part of confidence and growth.

Enjoy the excitement of it all!



Michelle Mancini

Tech career coach - I help people get unstuck and design the perfect career for them. Writer of bit-size career stories for inspiration and growth