Stop Telling Me What You’re Gonna Tell Me

Michelle Monet
Pickle Fork
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2019


Just F-in TELL ME already!


Nightly News Ads are all medications
Side effects and bizarre expectations
Celexa, Viagra Prozac or Allegra
If you’re fed up just go turn the stations!

Poem from my book Limerick Explosion

Watching the Nightly News is getting more and more exasperating.

Last night we sat down to see if anything NEW had happened in the world. We watched with glazed eyes as the Trumpster began spewing his normal narcissistic spew.

Then David Muir said with a smirk, “We’ll be right back with THREE famous people who died today... One musician. One actor and One hall-of-famer!”

BUMMER. 3 people died?


Then after the commercial break, a few more short stories. Then, again,

“Stay tuned everybody…….when we come back we will TELL YOU which 3 famous people died…One beloved musician, One beloved actor ...and One beloved hall of famer....



We’ll wait…



Michelle Monet
Pickle Fork

Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: