Rethinking Beauty Pageants: Evolving Standards in an Inclusive Society

Michelle Richardson
3 min readAug 4, 2023

Beauty pageants have been a prominent feature of our society for decades, showcasing women’s physical beauty, talent, and poise. However, as society evolves and our understanding of gender equality and body positivity expands, it is important to question whether beauty pageants are still relevant and appropriate in the modern world. In this blog post, we will explore the arguments surrounding the relevance and potential drawbacks of beauty pageants, ultimately aiming to determine if they have become outdated.

The Changing Definition of Beauty

One of the primary concerns surrounding beauty pageants is their focus on physical appearance, often perpetuating narrow beauty standards. In recent years, society has made significant strides in promoting body positivity and embracing diverse definitions of beauty. Beauty pageants, on the other hand, often prioritize a specific body type and conventional standards of attractiveness. This rigid emphasis on physical appearance can be detrimental to the self-esteem and mental well-being of contestants, as well as reinforcing harmful stereotypes.

Photo by Drew Dizzy Graham on Unsplash

Objectification and Gender Equality

Critics argue that beauty pageants perpetuate the objectification of women, reducing their worth to mere physical attributes. Contestants are judged primarily on their looks, parading in swimsuits and evening gowns while being evaluated based on their physical appearance, grace, and charm.

This narrow focus on external beauty diminishes the value of intelligence, talent, and other essential qualities possessed by women. It reinforces gender stereotypes, suggesting that a woman’s worth is determined by her physical attributes rather than her achievements or character.

The Empowerment Argument

On the other hand, proponents of beauty pageants argue that they provide a platform for women to showcase their talents and gain self-confidence. They contend that beauty pageants offer opportunities for personal growth, public speaking, and developing leadership skills. Supporters claim that these events can empower women by promoting self-expression, ambition, and community involvement.

However, it is important to question whether these positive aspects of beauty pageants can be achieved through alternative means that do not rely on outdated notions of physical beauty and competition. Women should be encouraged to explore various avenues of personal growth and empowerment that are not rooted in their appearance alone.

Photo by Susan G. Komen 3-Day on Unsplash

Evolution of Pageants

In recent years, some beauty pageants have made efforts to evolve and adapt to changing societal norms. They have introduced new categories focusing on intelligence, talent, and social awareness, aiming to emphasize contestants’ inner qualities rather than solely their external appearance. This shift towards a more holistic approach is commendable and reflects a growing awareness of the need to redefine beauty standards.

Alternatives to Beauty Pageants

As society progresses, alternative platforms have emerged that celebrate diversity, inclusivity, and individuality. Initiatives like Miss Plus Size contests have gained popularity, focusing on promoting body positivity and self-acceptance. These alternatives offer a more inclusive space, encouraging women of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds to showcase their unique beauty and talents.

Photo by Jared Subia on Unsplash


While beauty pageants have played a significant role in our cultural history, it is essential to critically examine their relevance and impact in today’s society. As we continue to advocate for gender equality, body positivity, and the recognition of inner beauty, it becomes increasingly clear that beauty pageants may no longer align with these progressive values.

While some argue that beauty pageants can provide a platform for personal growth and empowerment, it is crucial to question whether these benefits can be achieved through more inclusive and diverse means. As society evolves, it is imperative that we move beyond outdated notions of physical beauty and focus on celebrating the unique qualities and achievements of individuals.

In the pursuit of a more inclusive and egalitarian society, it may be time to rethink beauty pageants and explore alternative platforms that embrace diversity, intelligence, and talent while empowering women to be more than just objects of physical beauty.



Michelle Richardson

My natural curiosity about the world fuels me on Medium. I write about all the things I want to learn more about.