Michelle Diane Rose
Michelle Diane Rose

I write because I am compelled to do so, not necessarily for love of money. I'm no purist; if you wish to buy one of my self-published works, I would be most pleased and even more pleased to autograph it for you. You'll have to buy me a cuppa first; my time is rather valuable--to me--but surprisingly affordable.

Since I am a trans woman, I often touch on that multi-faceted, dizzyingly complex, intensely personal topic. I try to choose the less-discussed sub-topics, leaving the front-line reporting to some of the other expert trans women writers here on Medium, superb scribes such as Phaylen Fairchild and Stephanie Moga.

I'm an omnivore and a dilettante, a dangerous combination for a freelancer. I'm liable to land on anything which catches my eye in my newsfeed. I cross-post quite a bit of my material on Quora and Facebook, as well as links to Twitter--although I try to keep my participation there to a bare minimum.

Facebook, too. I have some choice things to say about Zuck and his nasty little exercise in social engineering. I'm not likely to pull any punches.

In fact, I have a distressing tendency to aim for the center of the mass whenever I perform a "hit piece" on anyone, for any reason. I'm also quite obsessed with the research necessary to bring some accurate perspective to my readers. Bluntly, "just the facts, ma'am, just the facts."

What you do with the facts I present is totally up to you, of course. I just report 'em as I see 'em. You may not like my logic and you may abhore my conclusions but that's also your right as a reader. I invite commentary, corrections, and your opinion, always. I may not like what you have to say but as long as you're polite, civilized, then "feel free to spit on the mat and call the cat a bastard." Keep in mind though, if you will, that it's my Liberty Hall and I can usher you out at will.

That's Free Speech--and it's never free, not really. Like all things in this world, you'll have to pay for it. My fees are, as I noted, quite affordable. Observe the Rules of the Rose here and we'll all get along splendidly.

Medium member since December 2023
Connect with Michelle Diane Rose
Michelle Diane Rose

Michelle Diane Rose

Master’s in Rhet/Comp Teaching English. Published author, semi-retired pro musician (bass, guitar, keyboards), gourmet cook, bibliophile.