Image created by Michelle Seifried via Copilot Ai

Little eyes peer over his shoulder
Stain with tears the wrinkled shirt
Brings the comfort of the smell of safety

As harsh lights fill the room
Cold air being pumped in
Keeping as much at bay as possible

Little lungs cry in her arms
Looking for comfort only she can give
As she looks at the little one
Sadness a look of helpless fills her tired eyes

Little eyes full fear
Not understanding why he feels so badly
Tired arms hold him tighter

Little cry’s of help
Little eyes of fear
All not understanding
Just wanting the comfort she can give.

Copyright © Michelle Seifried 2023

Michelle Seifried

A poet, a genealogists, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, silent sufferer of physical, mental, emotional trauma & pain, a bearer of a hopeful soul.