Michelle Stone
1 min readMar 20, 2016


Could be my overactive imagination or the fact that I had just snooze-watched Gladiator for the second time; read this post and fallen back to sleep.

There in my dreams were Henry Wismayer and Jon Westenberg standing at dawn in a packed Colosseum. Morgan Rock Loehr stood at Henry’s side. Benjamin P. Hardy stood next to John.

Gutbloom was riding with BenHur in the chariot.

On the giant platform stood the Emperor (who bore a remarkable resemblance to Ev Williams) a bronzed staff in his hand, shaped in the form of an M.

“Hail Emperor!” they shouted. “Those of us about to write, salute you!”

“Let the Games begin!” declared the emperor with a wave of his M.

Ellie Guzman sat next to him, supping her wine and reading her no 11 witches guide and looking down in disgust “Men! Soo last millenial..” she sighed.

Watch closely” elizabeth tobey said “we could learn a thing or two here. Or at the very least, get some togas for our latest collection”

In the packed gallery, I jumped to my feet, along with all the other lesser writing mortals; ready to shower the gladiators with green heart confetti.

“Now this is what we came here for”, said the new citizens of Medium.



Michelle Stone

Words…. of all the hundreds, that swirl inside my head. I am forever haunted, by the ones I've left unsaid...