Twisted Minds

Michelle Stone
1 min readOct 5, 2018

How long?

I implore

Should I endure

This jagged wall of

Speared barbs

Of evil snipes

Of twisted turns

Whilst my love for one

Warps and wanes

With her insidious insults

So viscious it makes my

Stomach heave with hurt.

As I help her

She smiles sweetly

All the while her fingers type


That drip with venomed sting


Received with the evil glee

Of malicious intent.

My heart is shred

Raw Ribbons



By the depth of disrespect

With not one drop of remorse.

For too long

I have been silent

For too long

I have sacrificed


Squashed down

Outrage and Injustice

To ease the brunt

Others will bear

But like a tiger in a corner

I am coiled

I am ready

I am resolved

Enough Enough

Stand up Stand up

Smack the bully on the nose

No more —

There will be




Michelle Stone

Words…. of all the hundreds, that swirl inside my head. I am forever haunted, by the ones I've left unsaid...