Erica Russo: Build a Soul Led Business

Michelle Tennant Nicholson
5 min readDec 15, 2021


In my series about how the book, “The Four Agreements” impacted peoples’ lives, I interview Erica Russo whose driving force is to help people live with intuition and intention. With a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from Berkeley College, Erica helps business owners build a soul led business and step into a higher level version of themselves. Do enjoy this interview! ~ Michelle Tennant Nicholson

Can you tell us a story about what early experiences brought you to your specific career path?

My career path has been an exciting one to say the least! I started my journey offering Psychic & Mediumship Readings and then began teaching and mentoring others on enhancing their own psychic abilities which has led me down to helping women (and men) integrate more intuition and alignment into their life & businesses.

Even during childhood, I was always open minded and very sensitive to energy. Yet, I have also always been the kid [as well as the adult] that needed to know the HOW and the WHY. Mixing spirituality and intuition with grounded, level-headed business strategies is my the best of both worlds. I can’t imagine myself doing anything but blending the practical with the magical!

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you in your career or education?

There has been a couple but one that is standing out is a time back in 2018 when a fellow Psychic Medium reached out to me for my input on a particular case he was working on with his local law enforcement. I went ahead and tapped into the energy of the photos he sent. Something that really stood out to me while I was tuning in to the photos was a vision of a baseball field that was down a hill and an old white boxy car parked by itself in the dirt parking lot. I told him my impressions and three days later, the detective reached out to me informing me that the white car I shared with him led him to question a suspect which then led to his arrest. To this day I still shake my head and say to myself “Wow! That really happened!”

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting out on your career?

A couple of years ago I invested a large sum of money in a Facebook Ad strategist to help me promote my online membership. This was my biggest investment in my business to date and I was banking on an incredible ROI. I had an uncomfortable feeling about the whole thing but I thought it was just because it was a really big investment and it was the first time ever doing Facebook ads. I would pull Tarot Cards about it and all the cards pointed to it being a disappointment, yet I still went through with the purchase.

I walked away with a handful of signups with some of the members being quite awful and disrespectful. It was not a pleasant experience by any means.

What lesson did you learn from that?

TRUST YOUR INTUITION. Trust that you know what it right for you and your business.

Your business can only grow as much as you do. For a long time in the start of my business, I was more focused on building my business than building myself. Your business is an extension of you. Your healing, your growth, your evolution, your authenticity, is more important than any strategy, any program, any financial investment that you make within your business.

The money, the success, the growth will come from the result of you doing the internal work.

What are some of the most interesting and exciting community projects are you working on now?

The most exciting community project I am a part of is the Intuitive Life Society. This is my online monthly membership for spiritual and personal development. It offers coaching calls, psychic and mediumship development circles, breathwork, yoga, intuitive cooking classes, astrology classes, and human design classes. I’ve teamed up with incredible healers and psychic mediums to offer a one stop shop for personal and spiritual growth.

The community is filled with supportive, intuitive, soul led women who support one another and build beautiful business for themselves. The community holds a special place in my heart.

What are 5 things you would tell your younger self?

1. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

2. Don’t give your thoughts so much power.

3. Don’t ever give up.

4. Love yourself first.

5. Drink more water.

You mentioned the books, “The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” and “The Fifth Agreement” by Don Miguel Ruiz impacted your life. Can you explain how for each agreement below?

1) Be impeccable with your word.

It’s very easy for us to fall into a place where we will say and do certain things just because we do not like conflict, or we don’t want to “rock the boat.” For me, speaking up and meaning what I say has brought a lot of good into my life, whether it be with my personal relationships or through my business. When it comes to speaking up, if you come from a place of love, everything will end up working out in the end.

2) Don’t take anything personally.

If it wasn’t for this agreement, I wouldn’t be where I am today or here writing this article! I am a skeptic by nature and it took me a very long time to come out of the “spiritual closet” and announce my abilities to the world. It didn’t take me long to understand when someone says or does something that belittles you or tries to hurt you, it’s more about them than it is about you. Happy, successful, thriving people don’t spend time or energy trying to take others down.

3) Don’t make assumptions.

The only person that has 100% of the information, is the person living that life. We shouldn’t begin to even think that we know enough to start making judgements or assumptions when it’s towards others because it’s none of our business.

4) Always do your best.

When you always try your best, even if something doesn’t end up working out as planned, the disappointment will hurt less because at least you know you tried your best.

4) Be skeptical, but learn to listen.

Even salt looks like sugar. Trust your initial feeling about people and situations. It’s always right. I’ve seen a lot of people get themselves into trouble because they didn’t listen to their initial feeling.

Because of the role you play in the community, you are a person of great influence. If you could inspire young people today, what would be your headline and three talking points?

1. I’d remind them that nobody knows them better than they do. When it comes to making decisions, you heart knows even before you do.

2. The sooner you start trusting yourself, the quicker your dreams will come true.

3. There will be a lot of twists and turns along the way, but don’t give up on your dream.

How can people connect with you?

You can check out my website at

Or connect with me on TikTok or Instagram @intuitivelifstyleco.

You can also listen to my podcast, Intuitive Souls Podcast.



Michelle Tennant Nicholson

Human development author | entrepreneur | publicist | beekeeper | whitewater kayaker | Siberian husky hugger | Chief Creative Officer