Galit Ventura-Rozen: The Power of Everyday Women

Michelle Tennant Nicholson
5 min readDec 15, 2021


In my series about how the book, “The Four Agreements” impacted peoples’ lives, I interview Galit Ventura-Rozen, who has made it her mission to show women as a business expert how to reach 7+ figures in their business through sales success. Her goal is to empower, inspire, and motivate others to believe in themselves incorporating lessons from her book, “The Successful Woman’s Mindset.” In this interview, she shares that perfection doesn’t exist and that everyday women have immense power. Enjoy! ~ Michelle Tennant Nicholson

Can you tell us a story about what early experiences brought you to your specific career path?

When my friends and I were graduating from college, they were all looking for jobs as expected of them and I knew I didn’t want to work for someone. That is when I got my real estate license and decided I was going to work for myself. Within 2 years I opened my first company, Commercial Professionals. I was always interested in real estate, the market was hot in Las Vegas and I knew I wanted to succeed in this profession. I went and completed a 6-month internship and then went out on my own.

My second and third business was a factor of being in a male dominated industry for the last 25 years and wanting to support and show women how to be successful and reach 7+ figures in their business.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you in your career or education?

The most interesting story that happened to me in my career was when 5 years ago someone asked me to speak at an small gathering they were having for women to inspire and motivate them. There were 12 women there, after I received positive feedback and was asked back a second time to speak, I realized I could be a professional speaker. Today I get paid $5000+ to speak to corporations, at events and more on leadership, business success, sales and mindset.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting out on your career?

I can not think of a funny mistake I made, but I have made plenty of mistakes in my career. I learned early on mistakes were part of the path to success and the more mistakes I made the more I learned what worked.

What lesson did you learn from that?

I learned that perfect does not exist and I needed to let go of the concept of perfect. I learned that to be successful mistakes will be made. It isn’t about the mistakes that are made but what you learn from them and how you move forward after making them.

What are some of the most interesting and exciting community projects are you working on now?

I started Everyday Woman in March 2020 when women were struggling to figure out how to support their families and make money online. This has grown into a community of over 14000 women that my business partner and I show how to get more clients and be more visible through workshops, private coaching, retreats, becoming authors and speakers and more.

What are 5 things you would tell your younger self?

1. Just do it

2. Roll with it

3. Perfection does not exist

4. You got this

5. Your own limitation is your thoughts working against you

You mentioned the books, “The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” and “The Fifth Agreement” by Don Miguel Ruiz impacted your life. Can you explain how for each agreement below?

1) Be impeccable with your word. — Aside from recognizing the strength behind being impeccable with my word in my business and personal dealings. I also learned how to recognize when someone in my life or business was not impeccable with their word. I learned the value of saying you will do something and doing it vs not doing it. This is now a big no no in my life and business. Do not say you will do something and not do it. Red flag for sure

2) Don’t take anything personally. — This is one that has impacted my life by far the most. In business, to many people take things personally and allow emotions to get in the way of their decisions and success. When you step away from the emotions and realize you are taking things personally instead of looking at it from a factual or business perspective, it is a game changer.

3) Don’t make assumptions. — This has taught me to be an effective communicator and listen first. When you choose to listen, you don’t make assumptions. It is in our nature to make assumptions and hear what we think someone is trying to say or do. What if instead, people listened and if they didn’t understand they asked questions and stopped making assumptions. I do my best to listen and not make assumptions and that has changed the way I do business and even in my personal life.

4) Always do your best. — As a mother of 3, I have always shared with my children, do your best. Doing your best meaning something different to each person and when I myself recognize I am a work in progress and I am doing my best every day. The pressure is off to be perfect and live up to expectations that not realistic.

5) Be skeptical, but learn to listen. — This agreement for me has been about recognizing I can be nice; I can listen but I will not let people walk all over me or be naïve. As someone that naturally sees the best in people, I learned this one the hard way. After you get walked on enough times, I hope you learn, like I did, not all people will treat you the way you treat them. In my case, I treat others with kindness and do my best to be genuine and authentic.

Because of the role you play in the community, you are a person of great influence. If you could inspire young people today, what would be your headline and three talking points?

I live this every day so my answer will be a real answer not a “if I could”. I choose to inspire and mentor young women that want to be successful or entrepreneurs or maybe even are just looking for guidance. I do this through understanding what their own limited beliefs are and showing them ways to overcome them and believe in themselves mixed with logical ways to be successful.

How can people connect with you?



Michelle Tennant Nicholson

Human development author | entrepreneur | publicist | beekeeper | whitewater kayaker | Siberian husky hugger | Chief Creative Officer