There is a Difference Between Body Positivity, Body Acceptance, and Fat Acceptance. Here’s Why…

Welcome to the battle of language in body politics

Michelle V Scott, MSW, MS
6 min readMar 15, 2020

So, today’s discussion was prompted by some terribly harsh comments I’ve started to see on the posts of some body-positive influencers that I follow on Instagram and other social media platforms.

I’ll be honest I was taken aback by some of the things I read from people who are supposed to be against body shaming.

But it is interesting because the things that I’ve been reading on these posts were nothing but comments that essentially shamed some of these people who put their lives out there for us to see and possibly be inspired by.

This experience began to really make me frustrated with the positive body community. Now let me be clear — I’m still down with the body positive movement, along with the core body-positive framework developed by pioneer researchers such as Deb Burgard, Connie Sobczak, and Elizabeth Scott.

However, I have some issues to work through when looking at some part of the body positive community. And here are a few reasons why.

All or Nothing Mentality — What does the all or nothing mentality mean? Either you’re all in, or you’re all out. There’s no middle…



Michelle V Scott, MSW, MS

Coach. Social Worker. Advocate. Activist. Reformer. Hater of the isms': Sizeism, Classism, Racism, and Sexism.