5 Emotional Challenges Every Stepmom Will Encounter

The stepmom journey is fierce.

Michelle Brown
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2019


The stepmom journey is fierce. (Source: Unsplash)

Every single day people make mistakes, learn, adapt, and struggle with complicated and confusing emotions.

In the case of stepmoms, some particularly challenging emotions can cause severe gridlock in the already awkward stepparenting journey.

Even seasoned stepmoms who have already raised their stepchildren wish they had owned more insight into their own emotions looking back on their own experiences.

Unfortunately, every stepparenting situation is different and even a situation that seems rock solid can change in an instant when dealing with blended family dynamics.

Here are 5 emotions that are especially challenging for many stepmoms to let go of and some advice to go along with it for the journey:

1. Fear

Fear is an emotion that infiltrates every human being and animal on the planet. It’s not uncommon or unique.

But it is paralyzing to many people in their lives.

Stepmoms are often in situations that are uncomfortable and awkward. This can be very frightening at first and difficult to navigate. There’s a fear of judgment from other parents, the biological mom, or other family members around you…



Michelle Brown

Coffee Shop Gypsy. Word Practitioner. Editor of Heart Affairs + more... Like what I write? You can find more at my Substack https://ponderingnook.substack.com/