Choijin Lama Temple Museum

Ch. Michid
2 min readMay 14, 2024


  • Summer 9:00–18:00, Winter 10:00–17:00
  • Blue sky is located in the front


  • Adults: 15000
  • Elderly: 6000
  • Children: 0

The church building complex was built between 1904 and 1908 by more than 300 skilled craftsmen led by Ombo, a well-known architect of the Great Circle, for the religious work of the State Choijin Luvsankhaidav.

According to the decision of the National Assembly of the People’s Republic of China on November 13, 1941, the Choijin Lama Mosque was placed under the first degree of protection, and then from 1942, it was made a religious museum that can be shown to major domestic and foreign guests with a special permit.

293/7 of the Minister of Enlightenment of Mongolia, dated January 5, 2000, it left the jurisdiction of the Museum of Religious History and has been expanding its activities until now.

The museum is a Mongolian historical, religious and cultural heritage complex with a total of 5 temples and 5 gates of honor: Mahranz Mosque, Gol and Zankhan Mosque, Zuugi Mosque, Yadam Mosque, Hotol Church, Enkh-Amgalang Continent Mosque.

The museum has more than 6,000 exhibits representing the history, cultural heritage, and religious traditions of Mongolia. Of these, 77 exhibits are included in the list of “Mongolia’s Unique Historical and Cultural Monuments”.

