Published inCUNY CSI MTH594 Bayesian Data AnalysisModel Selection (continuing 6.7.2 and 2.11.13)We have previously looked at a dataset with fatal airplane accidents. First, we created two different models for the count of fatal…Dec 2, 2019Dec 2, 2019
Published inCUNY CSI MTH594 Bayesian Data AnalysisPosterior Predictive Checking (6.7.2)Our previous look at exercise 2.11.13 continues in exercise 6.7.2 with posterior predictive checking of the models we implemented.Nov 21, 2019Nov 21, 2019
Published inCUNY CSI MTH594 Bayesian Data AnalysisComputation: 2.11.13 in RStanTo give us another close look at modeling and computing using RStan, here’s exercise 2.11.13.Oct 3, 2019Oct 3, 2019
Published inCUNY CSI MTH594 Bayesian Data AnalysisExponential Families II: Samples and sufficiencyIn our last installment, we defined exponential families and gave examples from a range of familiar distributions. Now I would like to…Sep 26, 20191Sep 26, 20191
Published inCUNY CSI MTH594 Bayesian Data AnalysisExponential Families I: Definitions and ExamplesMany of the distributions we keep meeting in statistics have density functions that can be written as exp[…] for something useful inside…Sep 26, 20191Sep 26, 20191
Structure of an article: This is a titleThis is the first paragraph. Especially in news articles, the first paragraph serves to give an enticement for the rest of the article —…Sep 25, 20191Sep 25, 20191
Published inCUNY CSI MTH594 Bayesian Data AnalysisA first look at computationWe will be digging far deeper into this as the semester goes on, but having already seen a first Bayesian inference step in the 3rd…Sep 18, 20191Sep 18, 20191
Published inCUNY CSI MTH594 Bayesian Data Analysisℙ or Pr or p or … ?There are a LOT of different p floating around anything probability related, and it’s not always clear how they fit together, nor what…Sep 11, 20191Sep 11, 20191
Published inCUNY CSI MTH594 Bayesian Data AnalysisProbability PreliminariesThere are a fair number of things that the first chapter of BDA3 (Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd ed) skips over — considering them to be…Sep 10, 2019Sep 10, 2019
Published inCUNY CSI MTH513MTH513 Course blog submission instructionsWe will be using Medium for the MTH513 (Machine Learning) blog posts. Some important details for writing your post follow here:Mar 20, 2019Mar 20, 2019