Tips To Help You Remove Lipstick Stains With Simple Steps

Micks Carpet Cleaning Adelaide
3 min readSep 13, 2022


Carpet stain removal

Removal of lipstick stains is not so easy in case if it occurs on your carpets. For the effective removal of lipstick stains, you can seek professional which offer the best carpet cleaning services. We make use of different carpet stain removal agents, that helps to remove the stains completely from the carpets. The professional follows a set of the procedure with the simple steps that are mentioned below. These steps help in complete removal of stains without any hassle, in case if you are not aware of steps of stain removal then can refer the below-given information.

Steps To Get Rid of Lipstick Stains From The Carpet

Remove Extra Lipstick

The first step is to remove extra lipstick from the fabric of the carpet with the help of the cloth. With the help of cloth which is rubbed over the stained area and helps to remove extra stain from the carpet. In case lipstick become hard on the surface of the carpet, scrape off the area with the help of a knife that helps to remove most of the stains from the carpet.

Blot The Area

The next step is to blot the area with the help of cloth that helps to soak the stain from the stained area. For blotting, the experts suggest blotting the area with alcohol solution which enables easy removal of the stain from the carpet and makes sure to blot carefully without damaging the area.

Use Stain Removal Agent

The next is to use a stain removal agent which is directly applied over the stained area for the effective removal of lipstick stain deeply from the fabric of the carpet. With the help of carpet stain removal agent, it becomes possible to get rid of stains completely from the fabric of the carpets.

Carpet mould removal

Wash The Area

The next step is to wash the area with liquid detergent and rinse it completely to make sure that the removal agent gets completely removed from the carpet. For washing the area you need to use liquid detergent which is mixed in the water and solution is applied over the stained area for effective removal of the stain.

Dry The Area

The last step is of carpet dry cleaning which is important to dry out the carpets for the effective removal of stain from the fabric of the carpet. The experts make sure to use drying machines to make sure to remove the stain completely from the carpet.

Why Do You Need To Choose Us?

Lipstick stains are common on the carpets and need immediate to remove for the effective results. For the effective removal of stains, you need to contact Micks Carpet Cleaning Adelaide which offer you with Cheap Carpet Cleaning Adelaide. With the help of effective procedure, the professional follow several steps which help to remove the stain completely from the carpet. In case of any emergency our professional offer emergency services at your location.

If you want to know about How To Free Your Carpet Of Pet Stains? Than you should read our blog.

