GIGCO IDO 7 Day Countdown!

2 min readFeb 19, 2022


With just 7 days remaining until GIGCO’s $GIG token goes live on SolRazr launchpad we’re going to be ramping up the hype with a week of competitions where you can bag yourself a much desired whitelist ticket and $GIG tokens. The competition element will be integrated with upcoming AMAs featuring the GIGCO founders and the launch of the new GIGCO app explainer video.

We are super excited to have our new explainer video ready to debut! Made by Dutch production house Hypercube, we feel it articulately provides a coherent understanding of the GIGCO project, offering a comprehensive helicopter view of the project’s far reaching tentacles into the music industry. The video is also now included in their portfolio alongside other productions for crypto heavyweights like Binance and Kusama.

Throughout the week a series of Ask Me Anything discussion sessions will be taking place with Co-Founders Frank de Vrijer and Ben Kindlan, the first of which will take place on Tuesday, February 22nd. In these AMAs the GIGCO community will have the opportunity to post questions regarding the project with some of the best questions receiving USDT prizes and whitelist tickets.

If you’re interested to hear more about the GIGCO project, how it all begin, where we are now and what’s in the pipeline for the coming months the AMA’s will run as follows:

