Personal Identity Audit — Day 6

Micky Dawn
2 min readSep 14, 2023


Who do you speak to the most when you’re losing?

This question is particularly meant to reflect on whether you reference those ahead of you, at the same level as you, behind you, or no one at all.

My natural reaction when I’m losing (or when things aren’t going my way) usually involves going inward and not referencing anyone else. I think this is due to a variety of reasons.

Reason 1

Since a young age, I never really had anyone to turn to and learned to rely on myself. My family was dysfunctional, and I had to figure out problems on my own. My grandparents wanted to help, but in elementary school, I had passed them in intelligence and awareness. This created a dynamic where I had to help them much more than they helped me.

Reason 2

I’ve had a series of people that I have trusted that ended up betraying me, and because of that, I’ve had to remove them from my life. Because of this, I’m very cautious about protecting my energy and space. I’m very willing to trust and connect, but I’m very paranoid in the process. It takes time and consistency for me to really allow you into my inner circle, and that’s rarely something I experience with other people. If you’re not one of those inner circle people, I don’t see why I would turn to you while I was losing.

Reason 3

Because I’ve never really had role models, I rarely had people that I looked up to that I could reach out to. I learned to go inward while seeking out knowledge and wisdom in resources such as books, articles, videos, documentaries, and more.

Although my tendency in the past has been to go through things on my own, I am aware that what has gotten me this far won’t get me to that next best version of me that I’m working towards. I know that in this next chapter of my life, mentors and experienced advisors are going to be crucial to push my limits and provide the high-level perspective that I’ve been needing.

After attending The Vault, I’ve been exposed to so many knowledgeable experts in a wide variety of industries, so I’m excited to maximize my network and continue to seek out incredible opportunities for growth and development. Outside of finding successful mentors to push me mentally, I’ve also registered with a successful training facility to help me prepare for my first figure competition. I think it’s incredibly important to maintain the balance in pushing your body AND mind. A thriving body is unappealing without a prospering mind. A thriving mind is limited without a prospering body.



Micky Dawn

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