Social Media and Pharmaceutical Microbiology.

Microbiología Farmacéutica
1 min readMay 27, 2020


When I met Dra. Isabel Strong at the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, School of Microbiology, we worked together by creating the program of a very new course for the first generation of microbiologists graduated from a private university: Microbiología de Industria Médica y Farmacéutica.

From those years working together, the idea of creating a community around the objective of sharing information in this field, found its opportunity grow up by the foundation of Microbiología Farmacéutica:

It was the very first time that spanish spoken countries had the change to share information in this field and of course, social media plays an important roll in the strategy of spreading this information along the internet world. I have resumed some websites related to this topic, and please keep them in mind if you are really interested on education related to pharmaceutical microbiology:

1-Pharmaceutical Microbiology by Dr. Tim Sandle:

2-Pharmaceutical Microbiology Forum (PMF):

3-Microbiology Consultants:

4-Manual de Microbiología Farmacéutica:

5-IVT Network:



Microbiología Farmacéutica

Microbiología Farmacéutica Costa Rica. I help by solving problems and giving educational tools for pharmaceutical microbiologists facing regulatory challenges.