Validating your laundry wash at your biomedical devices facilities

Microbiología Farmacéutica
2 min readAug 28, 2020


In COVID era, the idea of total cleanliness could take you to establish a normal, daily question: how am I taking care of the dirty gown from my collaborators?

Are we, as a company, doing an outstanding washing process of our dirty clothes?

In order to define a risk-based decision guideline, maybe, we could considered the next concerns:

1-Is your company in charge of the laundry wash of the clothes that your collaborators are wearing?

If the answer is YES, you should considered the ISO 14698, where it describes how to validate the washing process under conditions of biocontamination. Take in care that it will be a new process where all details and considerations that a quality system needs, are going to be applied to your company.

2-Instead of washing your dirty clothe in-house, do you leave your collaborators to wash their clothes at home? From a regulatory point of view, we have to say that you are not doing the best you can, and maybe the reason is obvious, but at home, people do not usually have the same washing process or they do not use the same detergent, or the quality of their water is not the optimum. Instead of transferring that responsibility to your collaborators, maybe you can considered to contract a company that offers the washing service and work hand by hand with it, in order to have a robust process of laundry and sterilization.

The technical difficulty of having a success process is not a problem if you find a company or a local expert who could help you in this task.

Keep in mind that cleaning your clothe is a critical point in your facilities.



Microbiología Farmacéutica

Microbiología Farmacéutica Costa Rica. I help by solving problems and giving educational tools for pharmaceutical microbiologists facing regulatory challenges.