Time to write.

Cindy Chou
1 min readFeb 25, 2022


Hello. My name is Cindy Chou, Founder & CEO of Micromoments Institute. This is my blog, and I encourage you to give it a follow. My hope is that in sharing these stories and findings, you may find some snippets of recognition and we may all be reminded that we are connected, and not at all alone.

There’s a lot I want to share: my journey of positive psychology, of science, of yoga, of love and loss, and of friendship and death. All the wisdom I have is derived from a lifelong pursuit of deeper knowing and practical being. This is my integration; of putting out there deep truths that my voice wants to say but has been holding back. Perhaps in that you main gain a moment of recognition, and know that we are all connected.

So please: stay tuned, connect with me, and let’s grow together.

Look forward to speaking soon.





Cindy Chou

Founder & CEO of Micromoments Institute. Writer, speaker, coach, and facilitator. Chasing sunsets and waking up to micromoments that matter.