Reference Recordings: Real Vocal Book

1 min readSep 23, 2017


I wanted to try something different to learn new songs, so I set myself the goal to:

  • Pick a fake book
  • Listen to every single tune in it
  • Find two decent recordings of it in contrasting styles
  • And publish the result in a shared playlist

Today, I’m pleased to present the playlist for the first finished book, the Real Vocal Book. I think I found vocal recordings for pretty much every song, with the exception of Oleo (Although in a few cases, I was unable to find recordings of the particular lyrics listed in the Real Vocal Book). For songs originally written in a language other than English, I’ve also tried to find a recording in the original language, and in some cases, I’ve added an instrumental recording.

I’m building my playlists in Apple Music, and the conversion process occasionally misses recordings, so the Apple Music version is the most complete one.

Looking forward to your reactions. I’m new to playlist building (and to Medium), so please let me know if this worked for you and whether you found this useful at all.

