Exchange update, Fline dashboard, the start of marketing campaign, new Midas.Investments features and landings, Midas coin future

4 min readOct 21, 2019


1. Authorization re-development

This week we spent a lot of our development time on fixing recent bugs with authorization. Finally, we found the errors in the Auth framework we are using and had to rewrite some parts of a code. This allowed to eliminate errors and bugs that our users faced.

Meanwhile, we are slowly changing to the new authorization framework, which will be implemented to the exchange sub-domain name. It means you will need to login one extra time to the exchange when it goes live, but with the same account you have right now. Afterwards, we change the auth process on the whole platform.

2. New Fline back-end and design prototyping

We have been working on the fully-automatized Fline back-end with the design changes.
I made the prototype of the new Fline dashboard myself, making sure all the investor’s requests are taken in consideration.
Also, this week we hope to finish the backend to calculate all the variables automatically to ensure the smooth experience for all the users.

So, we only need to make design adjustments to the prototype to look appealing, finish the backend and implement those changes to the dashboard. After the release of the new dashboard we will make some significant changes to the whole investing process, making it more intuitive, fast and available for everyone.

3. Prototyping a new safe investment instrument for BTC

Last week I spent a few days creating the new investment instrument for all the users. It will be the safest way to increase your BTC value and does not refer to any altcoin.

It will have a complex mathematical formula to optimize the ROI of the instrument. The estimated launch time is November, after the exchange release.

The instrument will help us to attract new users from all of the different markets by making Midas.Investments even more useful and add a new utility for Midas coin.

4. Burn-out landing re-design

We are finished with the new Burn-out landing page design, which will increase the possibilities for Burn-out and will help to attract more investors into it. We have gathered all your feedback and will make sure all interface struggles are negated.

5. Exchange development update

After we finish with Authorization, we push for the fast exchange release. As I said earlier, it will not have many features you used to have on exchange, but this is made to launch it as soon as possible.

Gradually, we will add all required features for the next-gen exchange, focused on the clients and investors remarkable trading experience.

6. Prototyping the listing’s landing page

After the exchange release, we will have too much great features for coin developers. It becomes harder and harder explain all of it by one-on-one conversations.

Therefore, we are working on the landing page that will provide a brief explanation of all the features Midas provides to make sure each coin developer understands what value does the Midas bring to their coin after listing.

With the release of the listing’s landing page we will also introduce a marketing promotion for projects with our new marketing partner. It will help us to create one more revenue stream to perform Midas coin buybacks again.

7. Marketing promotions for Telegram, Reddit and Bitcointalk

The new marketing partnership has started last week. Currently, it focuses on our Telegram group, Medium and Reddit. Later on we will add over 30 crypto-forums and other sources of new investors.

Also we have redesigned our Bitcointalk thread to make sure it fits the current state and vision of Midas.

8. Midas coin continues it’s growth

After the huge 400% growth (from 1800 sats to 7500 sats) we expect the small drawback to 5k sats with the start of the new accumulation faze. Accumulation has finished earlier than expected due to the team’s hardwork and investor’s support.

We are pretty confident in the continue of this trend due to all the stuff we develop right now (see above). Also, we are still at the pretty low total market cap (750 thousand dollars), but the recent growth allowed us to surpass each coin of our competitors, making Midas top-1 shared masternode coin. The key to this is that we do not narrow ourselves to the masternode market.

Our next goal is 1 million dollars marketcap with the hit of 10k satoshis Midas coin price.

To achieve this we reduced the available coins on Midas InstantBuy just to fill the needs for new Lock-ins and Burn-outs. By cutting down the supply and increasing demand we expect to see a significant price increase in the following months rewarding those, who were with us during this long path.


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Midas.Investments — is an investment platform that provides various tools for creating long-term crypto-portfolios and manage them automatically.