The platform’s update, content creation tools, new marketing campaigns and upcoming coins updates

2 min readOct 29, 2019


1. The update of frameworks for the Midas.Investments back-end and front-end

This may sound boring, but since our platform is a complex mechanism, before implementing the new self-living matter, such as the exchange, we had to update everything to be more stable and reliable in terms of code. Recent updates help us to prepare for the exchange release. I know, we took a long time, but we need to do everything right.

2. The new landing page for Burn-out is designed and marketing campaign is planned

We finished the design landing for the new Burn-out page, which includes the YouTube video recorded for marketing purposes, separate landing page for Burn-out with easy explanation for the new users and the design of the Burn-out’s platform page. This week we will pass it to front-end and then to back-end development.

We have also finished with marketing plan on how to invite new target audience for Burn-out. Potentially they will become our new investors.

With the release of the Burn-out we start the airdrop campaigns for Burn-out investors.

3. We are gathering all the content we created to create a system of the content-generation

It allows every member of Midas team to create marketing posts, promote our social medias, etc. The most importantly this system will help me (Trevor) to build the new whitepaper for the fresh Midas ecosystem. So, you can expect this in the following month or two.

4. Fline back-end is almost finished

We are in the final stage of developing the new Fline back-end on our platform. It took a lot of time to manage all the databases we need to have, but finally we are close to finishing it.

5. Midas coin listed on Coinmarketcap and upcoming coin updates

Now you can finally find us on
It opens up new possibilities for marketing our coin.

Meanwhile, we are preparing a large update to negate recent bugs and exploits and make our chains, both Midas and Fline, more stable. Updates will come soon.

6. We are preparing a few events to increase awareness of Midas and Fline coin

Recently, we hit a one-year anniversary on Midas coin. We kinda passed this event due to the intense work on other fields, but we still want to make something special for our community. So, our marketing team is working on some stuff right now.

Also, our telegram channel hit 1 000 members! Make sure to join it, because we have a lot of conversation going on there!


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Midas.Investments — is an investment platform that provides various tools for creating long-term crypto-portfolios and manage them automatically.