To Blog, or not to Blog, that is the Question

Richard Middleton
2 min readApr 18, 2017


I’ve been toying with the idea of a blog for a while now, It wouldn’t be my first blog, but my first since I started my new career path.

It’s scary, putting yourself out there & saying “hey, this is where I am.”, in the fear that you’re not close enough. Ultimately fear doesn’t exist, it’s a future projection, it doesn’t live in the now, so therefore not reality. This aside what will this blog be about? Coding.

<h1>Hello World</h1>

I started making websites back in 1997 while still at school, I’m talking <marquee>, <blink> & inline CSS here. I was pretty good & I learnt from stealing the source code & working out how it works.

So What Happened?

Life, life happened. Following up in college with a media diploma, I dropped out, I felt no passion to what we were being taught &pursued music, yeah I know.

However music for almost a decade after that became my career I toured & managed festivals, it wasn’t the brick wall of a degree it could have been, for me at least.

Over the years I dipped my toes with HTML & CSS, creating a few websites & dabbling with WordPress for a few friends. Learning more CSS & not having to put it inline, hurrah!

What’ Up 2017

At the end of 2016, I decided to start taking this thing seriously. Feeling myself through a few resources The Odin Project, Codecademy & freeCodeCamp to name a few, I started feeling some real progression & even taking on paying clients within a month or two.

The Goal

So the longer term goal is to ultimately get a job as a Front-end Developer with a company that can also help me expand my skills.

Short term is to finish the freeCodeCamp’s front end certificate & blog every step of the way, to reinforce the lessons I am learning & maybe help some others.

