Does bullet velocity really matter in PUBG?

Pulkit Midha
3 min readJun 8, 2019


People here will always vote for a stun grenade as it is indeed an underestimated weapon.

But there is also a parameter which hardly matters for anyone while choosing weapons.

That is bullet speed.

I’ll make you think of a rare moment which will increase its significance in your mind.

Imagine a 1v1 situation where the circle tends to have a diameter of 500m. (say)

Imagine two players A and B at the two ends of the diameter.

  • Now, A is armed with an M24, whereas, B is armed with an AWM.
  • Both of them are having exactly the same attachments.
  • Both of them are wearing a fresh level 2 helmet.

Now, hiding behind the trees, they spotted each other.

A gives a peek, in response, B also gives peek.

Both of them aimed at the heads and fired at the exact same time.

Now predict what happens next.







Most of the people reading this would claim that both will get killed. But no, actual results vary a lot. Because its the matter of #1 and #2. It’s not your ideal cricket match where it gets solved by a super over.

A will get the chicken dinner while B will have to satisfy with #2.


  1. Is this because A was having AWM which has higher damage than that of M24?

NO, because both of them were having a level 2 helmet. And both the guns penetrate it easily.

2. Is this because B was having higher ping than that of B?

This could possibly be true but even if you take the difference of ping to be more than 50ms. B will still get killed first.

3. Does B got desynced behind the tree?

Since it’s not a spray, so no desync applied here!

If the damage is not the parameter and ping is not too much and desync parameters cannot be taken here, then how it is possible for B to get killed first?

It’s because the bullet velocity of AWM is much higher than that of M24. In other words, the AWM bullet takes less time to travel from A to B than the M24 bullet took to travel from B to A.

CONFUSED? Let me explain this through some calculations.

  • The bullet speed of AWM at 500 meters:- 769m/s
  • The bullet speed of M24 at 500 meters:- 638m/s
  • Time taken by AWM bullet to cover 500m:- (500/769)s=0.65s
  • Time taken by M24 bullet to cover 500m:-(500/638)s= 0.78s
  • Time difference:- 0.78–0.65= 0.13s

Hence, B gets killed 0.13 seconds before A gets killed.

(You may think 0.13s is such a low amount of time, but it matters here!)

Surprising? It is!

Another example where the bullet velocity is vital.

Consider a combination of vector and VSS. Many people use this combination.

If you try to spray down (using this combo) at a moving target at a considerable distance, you’ll face a lot of issues because in the time it reaches the target, the target will get displaced with ease. Because of that, the player has to aim many playermodels ahead of the target. (also above the target, because of high bullet drop)

Hence, an AR or an LMG is always recommended for spraying down at a moving target at a distance, as they have much higher bullet velocity than that of SMG.

Statistics by WackyJacky101 And spreadsheet prepared by me.

Looking at the statistics of different guns, I can say that the M249 (read: beast gun) is the best gun to spray at moving targets. Be it close range, mid-range or even long range. It can literally beat most of the sniper rifles in terms of bullet velocity.

