What Symptoms Happen mean Kidney Disease Patient Need Dialysis

About Kidney Disease
2 min readApr 6, 2017

Dialysis is an important means of prolonging the survival time of patients with nephropathy. In general, when the patient enters the late stage of the kidney disease, or when the patient’s renal function drops to a certain extent, the doctor will recommend the patient to dialysis.

When will patients need dialysis?

Kidney has the role of excretion of metabolic waste and excess water in the body, maintaining the balance of electrolyte and acid in the body. The patient’s renal function will be due to the loss of renal disease in patients with patients, and then the patient will appear by the accumulation of waste, electrolyte imbalance and acid disorders caused by a series of problems.

In fact, when the patient’s renal function drops below 15%, the doctor will generally recommend patients to receive dialysis. Or when the patient enters the kidney disease five times, the general patient will be recommended dialysis. But also according to the patient’s own circumstances, because when the patient is in the fourth stage of nephropathy, it may be due to the body of electrolyte disorders, waste accumulation, or acid imbalance and serious problems, patients will also Need dialysis to ensure health.

Then even when the patient is at the end of the time, may be because of good physical tolerance, so there will be no discomfort, the patient at this time can not rush to dialysis.

What is the precursor before dialysis?

In general, when the patient’s metabolic imbalance caused some obvious symptoms, in order to control the patient’s condition, you need to dialysis to correct the metabolic imbalance in patients, so as to fundamentally stop the deterioration of the patient’s condition.
For example, when the patient appears metabolic imbalance, there may be renal bone disease, itching, drowsiness, gout, and other serious symptoms, the treatment of these problems need to correct the body’s metabolic disorders can be a good control.

Then there is a need for dialysis patients, in addition to see whether the body has obvious symptoms, the patient’s inspection report is also a very critical criteria. When the patient is in the end of the kidney disease, patients with glomerular filtration filter will be less than 15ml / min, increased levels of creatinine urea nitrogen will have its criteria.

If you have any questions about dialysis. Please contact us. Phone or whatsapp: +8615233618520, mail: kidneyfailurecn@hotmail.com.

More Article:

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2. Other Options Apart from Dialysis and Kidney Transplant

3. Have Any Solution to Avoid Dialysis

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