Islamic Boarding School for the formation of the Khoirul Ummah generation

2 min readSep 10, 2022


Instilling the values ​​of modern boarding schools in santri from an early age is needed for the formation of militant characters who will be ready to enter the modern boarding community whose values ​​are embedded in self-reliance, standing above for all groups, without taking sides with politics, class, race, race, culture and so on.

The form of implementing modern cottages with learning methods is not only related to Islamic education, but also various educational sciences. Because education is the main key because everything that is seen and heard is an education, not just sitting around listening to the lessons in class.

Modern Islamic boarding schools are inspired by an atmosphere of sincerity, simplicity, independence, ukhuwah Islamiyah, and free spirit. In addition, there is also a philosophy of life, which means a number of principles, beliefs, concepts, mottos, and mottos that are closely related to the life of a pesantren based on the spirit of sincerity, simplicity, ukhuwah Islamiyah, independence, and freedom.

Many leaders gave us a life guideline: “Live once, live a meaningful life,” “Be meritorious but don’t ask for services,” “Move, because in motion there is a blessing,” “Hidup sekali hiduplah yang berarti,” “Berjasalah tapi jangan minta jasa,” “Bergeraklah, karena dalam gerak itu ada berkah,”and many other slogans. In the modern open-gabdian cottage life, it is always a priority because we always instill “Bondo bahu piker lek needs a lot of life”. “Bondo bahu piker lek perlu sak nyawane pisan “.

The preparation of this cadre is what is embedded for the realization of the Khoirul ummah generation who can become a driving figure in the community, not only ready to lead but also ready to be led by the role of modern cottages in the generation of Islamic ummah who are involved in life outside the community.

