The 20 Thoughts Of Every 20-Something

Miggy Azurin ⚡
3 min readJul 8, 2018



There is a lesson to be learned in every decade (20s, 30s, 40s, etc.) of your life. It’s something specific to just those years. We need to learn it in order to level up in life. Think of it like collecting a badge or picking up skills in a game. It will be difficult getting through the “next stage” without it.

After six years of being a 20-something, I finally figured out what it was that I’m supposed to learn at this stage of life. It’s simple, really.

The lesson is I don’t know shit. I thought I did but I was proven wrong the moment I had to deal with taxes, pay for utilities, apply for loans, and prepare my own meals.

This feeling of uncertainty has been a cause for anxiety and nervousness. To calm my thoughts, I jotted down the things I find myself frequently thinking of as a 20-something. It’s an exercise I do to quiet my monkey mind.

The list was interesting. Nice to know that I can still laugh about certain things. :-)

The 20 Thoughts Of Every 20-Something:

  1. Do I want these white shoes or do I want to eat this week?
  2. Alright cool so I can only spend 46.00 bucks a day now until next payday.
  3. Why does eating healthy have to be so expensive? *cries in extra cheese*
  4. I need to get fit. I also need to treat myself to this meal. God knows how hard I work! #loveyourself
  5. *googles Easy Healthy Microwave Recipes*
  6. I don’t understand how all these youths have the energy to go out on a weeknight.
  7. How do these people get to travel every month? o_o
  8. Make the most out of your time in college. It goes by so fast. Join orgs! Pick fun profs!
  9. How did my parents get all of us through expensive private schools?? My kids better be damn grateful..
  10. What’s a VUL? Bitcoin? Blockchain? Is that a company? Yes I think I need insurance. But how do I get rich quicker? No I’m not open-minded. No I’m not looking at real estate at the moment.
  11. *gets invited to a party* I’ll try to follow! *gets an FB invite* Interested!
  12. Oh she’s engaged already!
  13. …and she’s pregnant! Damn. It’s always the quiet ones.
  14. I can’t imagine taking care of a baby now. I can barely take care of myself. I’m the baby. :-(
  15. 1998 was 20 years ago!!! Perfect time to play The Greatest Pop Hits of the 90s and 00s.
  16. *Tweets about Grab surge pricing, this horrible government, and how it’s all going to get better in time”
  17. Old people ruin e v e r y t h i n g. Filed under: Millennials vs Baby Boomers
  18. I need a career that pays well, has something I’m passionate about, fits my skillset, and makes the world a better place.
  19. I need financial independence. I also need my mom’s help. :-)
  20. Monday: I can do this!!! Tuesday: Can’t win them all!!!

If you’re a 20-something too, know that you are not alone. We’ll get through these years the best way we know how — with witty hashtags, rants on social media, and our bright, entitled smiles!

