How to Upload Images with Node.js and Multer— JavaScript

a comprehensive guide on creating a complete image uploading system

Miguel Z. Nunez
14 min readDec 28, 2022

How to upload images with Node.js? I’ve written several stories on how to upload images but strictly on the frontend, like this one. This guide shows you how to upload images on the frontend and how to store them in the file system of a server (also known as the backend). One of the easiest ways to do this is with a package named Multer. Multer is a Node.js middleware used for handling multimedia, which is primarily used for uploading images.

This is the application you’ll build:

How to Display Uploaded Images in Node.js

Notice we have a container with images saved in the server and another with images queued in the frontend. This is to help you understand how uploading images works. You see, you can’t just upload images to the server without keeping track of what you already have saved back there, at least not an efficient one. This is what most, if not all, tutorials don’t teach you and that’s exactly why I’m creating this guide. Keeping saved images separated from queued images is imperative for building an efficient image uploading system.

