My Journey with Jiu Jitsu

Starting over as a Blue Belt

Mike Green
3 min readOct 26, 2022

If you aren’t familiar with Jiu Jitsu, its a martial art that focuses on close-contact “grappling” holds and techniques, and the application of chokes and joint-manipulations. There are no “Strikes” (punches and/or kicks) involved in the sport. Its purely ground fighting based much like wrestling.

I started Jiu Jitsu about 6 years ago and in that time have moved up in the ranks to Blue Belt. This is the second belt earned in Jiu Jitsu out of 5 total belts. (The ranking goes as follows: White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black.)

Normally receiving your blue belt should take between 2–3 years depending on skill level, consistency of training, and knowledge of the sport and its technique, however mine required 4 long years. Though I kept up with the higher belts in class and regularly dominated in local tournaments and fights, my coach wanted it to be absolutely clear to everyone that I deserved the new ranking.

And I did.

The next year would be filled with tournaments at the higher skill level as well as my fastest MMA win via armbar in only one minute and thirty seconds of the first round. I was improving fast, spending 6 days a week on the mats at 4 hours a day. My life was centered around martial arts and becoming a great competitor.

Then Life Hit.

Growing up and becoming an adult required me to move out of my parents house and find a my own place. Which required a new job and lots of new responsibilities that no longer allowed me to train full time like I had been. It didn’t allow me to train at all really.

One long year went by.

Flash to the present and I’m still struggling to find time to train though it’s getting better. Having been off for an entire year has definitely set me back in terms of cardio and conditioning. Before my layoff I could practice for 4 hours straight with no issues, only stopping for the occasional sip of water. Now I regularly throw up after only an hour and a half of practice. This is discouraging of course but also exciting. I feel as if I really am starting over and getting to experience the weird art that is Jiu Jitsu for the first time again. My teammates now are so much better than me. Guys that I used to steamroll over are faster and stronger than ever. The ones who would I would go back and forth with now use me as a rest round, and I love it. I cant get enough.

They say iron sharpens iron and its true, but high intensity and pressure creates diamonds. I couldn’t be happier to reinvent myself as a martial artist for the second time. I feel reborn and repurposed. I know the journey back on track will be rough and hard but every great one is.

This is mine.

Follow along if you wish, it would mean the world to me and if I see you on the mats one day, friend or foe, know that you have my utmost respect and appreciation. OSS.


