Safety is about …

Miguel Vilas Boas
6 min readAug 11, 2018


Today more than ever safety it´s not about how many guns you have, so with some jokes along the way lets try and be safe!

Everyday there’s someone new in crypto, if that’s you well I hope you read this before you make one of those mistakes that just might end up bleeding you dry of the money you invested.

1. Protection

Use a clean and up to date pc/laptop. Now I don’t mean go out and buy a new one just for this but… be sure to run anti-virus and malware protectors. Ok I know by now you must be wondering which one? Since there are so many out there. There you have a few ones I usually don’t go for the free versions (and this alone would give another post). Regarding Malware protection I’ll just point you guys to Malwarebytes or MetaCert (this is a blockchain based company which I totally endorse very reliable specially vs phishing attacks).

2. Passphrases, 2FA and mobile authentication

Use the strongest passphrase/word you can get (should be always over 10 characters and include letters capped and otherwise(Ab), signs (#!$_) and numbers if possible intercalate them “Ab#B2!1w$cB_” here you have an example. As for 2FA you have plenty of choices as well, from Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, these might just be the most downloaded… but you also have Authy. (Why in the hell is he bothering us with so many authenticators if they all do the same? Not quite… if you’re up to date on authenticators you know by now the trouble it is when you have to change your phone OMG!!! Well with Authy there’s no hassle at all. Great!!) Even inside 2FA there are differences and also this would give place to another article but I decided to include here the U2F and the SMS confirmation. U2F is the go to is the most secure you can be as long as you don’t loose the physical key. As for verification through SMS it’s better than no 2nd verification but either through SS7 vulnerabilities, which basiclly allow people with ill intentions to reroute the message or even via “SIM swaps” which will be harder (or so we hope). So to recap U2F>2FA>SMS>none got it?

3. Mail services & VPN’s

So are you saying that one must create one account for cryptos as well? Well… I’m not saying anything but there are mails safer than others and while I reckon that most people use a Google account or a Microsoft one for one reason or the other… In crypto we talk in money so maybe lets go to the safest side of the pool.

These two where the ones I found more suitable. They do have a lots of pros (being the most relevant the fact that they’re totally encrypted and the 2FA) a slight con… if you loose the password you just lost the mail. So if you’re serious about security don’t buy a gun get a good mail service ;) Oh and maybe use a different account for different services, just a thought.

VPN’s… why in God (and all the saint’s as well) name would I use a VPN are you wondering at the moment… A VPN is a virtual private network and this, as controversial as it might seem might be the ultimate layer of security specially if we’re talking governments, (and yet another post OMG I’m loosing track of them already) but for you guys to have an idea it is that much that there are blockchains to secure VPN’s in order to assure the constant flow of free information to the people. Of course with great power comes great responsibility just ask Zuckerberg. So the ones that I´ll tell you to use are Mysterium (as soon as they are up and running 100%), NordVPN, ExpressVPN, but there are like hundreds of them. Keep and eye out for the 1st one ;)

4. Cold Storage

What? Cold storage is the best way to secure your private keys. Those you won’t share with anyone. A hot wallet is connected to the internet and you shouldn't keep your coins there. Despite the exchanges best efforts one shouldn't play. If your not actively trading a coin, if your holding on to it as an investment may be better to hold it in cold storage trezor, exodus, ledger your call. If your not interested in investing in cold storage ( do so at your own peril) you can print (and I mean REALLY PRINT) the paper wallets and keep them in a safe place (fire and water proof), actually always keep these also laminate them this way the paper won’t wear out. Please remember ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS KEEP the seed to yourselves ONLY.

5. Social Media

As you all know social media as spread wide (like a virus) but not all was good. So and bearing in mind that you don’t really know who’s on the other side. So be careful with Pump and dump schemes, be alert for “strange messages” from unknown people, no you haven’t won the lottery (sorry), no you won’t make a million $ overnight (sorry), basically if any message doesn’t have your name on it, suspect! Suspect everything! Also be very suspicious of any links forwarding you to wallets, thats usually a good sign you’re been tested ;), don’t EVER follow them. Save them in favourites and access when you need only. Trust no one (by now you all think I must be miserable lololol) what I mean is if I don’t know I’ll have to check… and double check… and maybe triple check!

So if anyone says he/she´s an admin on a Telegram group and ask me on a DM and then ask me my Address and private key? (yeah you guys know the answer by now don’t you? If it where in public the reaction would be the same) and always double check the mails, if you do that you will be safe.

6. General Advise if you’re just starting

I understand that many heard that blockchain is the future and I believe it is, but people invest what you can. Don’t get in over your heads. One way to do this is for example to do the math as for how much you can save per month and deposit in your account. Don’t let yourselves be influenced by FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) nor by FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) do your research and invest. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket diversify even if you don’t have plenty if you do so you’re increasing your odds of making money at the same time your decreasing the odds of loosing all your money. Finally and maybe the part when you’ll say ok screw you, don’t be greedy! Decide either your in for the long haul or your in for the quick buck. If you’re in for the quick buck set your goals and sell as soon as you met them (maybe even a bit sooner).

I hope you like the post. I tried to keep it brief because there’s a whole lot more to say regarding this matter. But above all I hope it keeps you safe.

