The Art of Good Manners.... Essential Etiquette Rules

3 min readApr 29, 2024



Good manners are the silent language of civilized society, a code of conduct that ensures harmony and respect among individuals.

In a world where social interactions define our daily lives, mastering the art of etiquette is paramount. Here are some timeless rules of etiquette to abide by, ensuring you're always perceived as courteous rather than impolite:

Always Give Notice Before Visiting:

Imagine the discomfort of being caught off guard by unannounced guests while clad in your most casual attire. Regardless of how well you know someone, a courteous call or message prior to dropping by demonstrates respect for their time and space.

Handle Umbrellas with Care:

Never leave a wet umbrella open, whether at home or in the office. Instead, neatly fold it and place it on a designated stand or hook.

Mind Where You Place Your Handbag:

Avoid placing handbags on laps or chairs. Opt for placing small, elegant purses on tables, while larger bags should hang from the back of a chair or rest on the floor.

Reserve Plastic Bags for Shopping Trips Only:

In an effort to minimize environmental impact, reserve the use of plastic bags solely for shopping expeditions.

Home Attire Should Be Presentable:

Even within the confines of your own home, maintain a level of tidiness by opting for comfortable yet presentable attire, such as trousers and a sweater. Save pajamas and nightshirts for the bedroom.

Respect Privacy:

Teach your children to knock before entering a room, instilling in them the importance of respecting personal boundaries from a young age.

Hats and Gloves Indoors:

Contrary to popular belief, it's perfectly acceptable for women to wear hats and gloves indoors, adding an air of sophistication to any ensemble.

Exercise Restraint with Accessories:

Less is often more when it comes to accessorizing. Keep the total number of accessories to a maximum of 13, ensuring elegance and avoiding overkill.

Equality in Hosting:

When a woman invites a business associate to dine out, it's customary for her to cover the bill, promoting equality and mutual respect in professional settings.

Elevator Etiquette:

Allow those nearest to the door to exit the elevator first, showcasing consideration for others.

Seat of Prestige:

In a vehicle, the seat behind the driver is traditionally reserved for women. However, regardless of seating arrangements, men should always assist women with entering and exiting vehicles as a gesture of courtesy.

Navigating Public Spaces:

When finding your seat in a theater, cinema, or concert hall, move towards it facing those already seated, avoiding any unnecessary disruptions.

Taboo Topics:

In polite conversation, steer clear of contentious subjects such as politics, religion, health, and finances, ensuring harmony and avoiding potential conflicts.

Maintain a Respectful Distance:

Avoid familiarity with acquaintances, refraining from gossip or intrusive inquiries.

Gossip and Criticism:

Engaging in gossip or criticizing one's homeland are major breaches of etiquette, showcasing poor taste and lack of decorum.

Keep Certain Matters Private:

Maintain discretion regarding personal details such as age, wealth, family disputes, religious beliefs, health issues, romantic escapades, gifts received, as well as instances of honor or shame.

By adhering to these time-honored rules of etiquette, you'll not only earn the respect of those around you but also contribute to a more refined and harmonious social environment.

