The Reason behind the Situation in Afghanistan

Mihaela Floriana Drăgan
7 min readSep 16, 2021


There are two sides to the story: the motivation of the American military involvement and the Taliban’s eventual conquest with the Afghan people bearing the consequences of this intrigued story.

Scratching the Surface: A Three-Party Dynamic

My point is that when third parties get involved in a two-party situation (Afghans and Taliban), the situation becomes more complex. That is why I am trying to look at it from all angles to make some sense out of it.

Taliban tried to step their foot in Afghanistan, and keep it there. Afghans have tried to protect themselves from the Taliban movement and they got support from Americans although their intentions and profitable interests are still questionable, or at least, not fully clear. So, this pulled the American military interests and presence which I see as a secondary effect of the situation in Afghanistan.

The American motivation is still unclear about Afghanistan, but I think it is a separate issue to deal with AFTER we prioritize security and peace for the Afghan people. Starting with this in mind, it makes sense to look first at the Taliban because of their rudimentary conditions.

An Obvious and Overlooked Fact about the Taliban Conquest

It is curious to look at how rudimentary people like Taliban with no education and no formal military training have got the weapons, and also learned how to use high tech military technology relatively to their humble living conditions. Using military technology implies, at least, some basic education, such as reading and writing. Learning advanced knowledge is not part of their humble lives.

Hidden Players

Questioning a basic fact like this one leads me to the assumption that the Taliban have been assisted and supported by a third party in learning how to use military technology. They must have been helped by some other hidden power, such as another country, or a powerful organization, or even a powerful person.

What country or power would have an interest in conquest Afghanistan and lead it indirectly through the Taliban and why? Whoever or whatever that is, it has a whole new and different level of interests and motivations than Americans who might just want to make profits by selling their weapons.

Another possible scenario is they are all together in this, in some sort of coalition with hidden, and up-front players. If this is true, then the American military withdrawal was planned and they let the Taliban win because they had to make room for the hidden power that plays their cards quietly, away from the public eye.

In this scenario, Americans probably said to the hidden player(s): ‘ok, we have made enough money selling weapons, now you can have your share and get your territory’.

Usually, the American presence in Afghanistan is justified by its interest to make huge profits from selling weapons which might be true, and even a good enough reason for them. In addition, there must be more to the story. The situation has too many implications to be just about profits.

Other players might be involved that have other interests than money which might change the story in a different direction. Money is just one side of the story, one piece of the puzzle that is necessary and that also needs additional pieces to complete the big picture. Some kind of ideology would make more sense.

A Superior Ideology than Meets the Eye

So, this is how I see it:

Probably the weapon companies have some degree of awareness and consciousness and think about how to keep world peace. So, with this in mind, they realize it becomes unnecessary to build nuclear weapons.

Besides, good relations among powerful nations are a necessary condition for world peace. They want to contribute to a better future for the world as a whole.

Next, weapon companies wonder: ‘how would we keep making profits if we keep world peace?’ And the answer becomes clear: we go to Afghanistan to save people from the Taliban. So, we would sell weapons to both sides: Afghans with their allies, and the Taliban.

I think that this possible scenario only scratches the surface. There must be some more depth to this problem, especially because a possible coalition among several nations might be involved which means that each nation might have a different interest in this matter. For example, the USA took the responsibility to be the up-front nation willing to play an open role to the public eye for this cause (keep world peace) while other nations or powers played their cards safely behind the scene with other possible involvements, and as a partner for Taliban.

The Mystery Hidden in Plain Sight

So, the real motivation, and interest in the Afghan land is still a mystery. Why would this hidden power(s) want to get involved in Afghanistan governance? It is a question that still bears at least a theoretical answer.

But here it is a more interesting part: a secret coalition might not be a secret at all because this is how actually the world is being led, by powers behind the scenes and that we don’t have access to (entirely). We are given just bits of information or interpreted sides of the actual truth. And you know what? It makes sense! We are supposed to know as little as possible about what is really going on behind the scenes. Why?

Well, I am thinking about me, and the majority of common people in our daily lives. We all have family, social life, work, and a lifestyle. And we keep most of our private lives to ourselves, including our plans, our long-term decisions, maybe even our dreams and hopes. We reveal to our friends and family just the big picture or some details, and problems that we might want to solve, or just talk about them. But we keep everything else to ourselves.

And this is common sense because, first of all, other people have enough of their own, and second, it would be extremely boring to know everything that you do behind the walls. Besides that, people have little understanding about how we live our lives and how we make decisions.

So, we keep things to ourselves because we are the only relevant persons to know this information. In addition, it is a fact that we are the only persons that know everything about our own lives because we have lived in our own shoes. So, even if it is only at an instinct level, we are the only ones that can understand what we do, why do it, and how we do it.

So, if this is true and everybody does it, then it must be also true for great powers that lead the world. The powers at the highest level are just a few. So, it makes total sense that they are the only ones that understand what they do and know the whole truth behind their decisions, especially when it comes to highly complex problems with implications at a global level.

So, it is natural for these people to keep most of their plans, and decisions to themselves. Besides, just as in our lives, common people have little understanding about being in that position. That is why keeping things to themselves is also a way of protecting us.

So, the mystery behind the Afghanistan situation is understandable, and it should stay that way. The only thing we can do as common people is to make speculations about it.

However, what I see as a really important thing to know and be certain about is the intention behind their decisions and plans, behind possible coalitions, and how they think about problems at that level. The real question is: do these people have the best interest at heart for everybody involved or only for themselves?

When you take everybody’s interest into consideration, then I know with certainty you will make the right decision because you are the only one who knows the situation with all the implications, information involved. So, if you make sure that your intention is right for all people at all levels, then the right solution and decision will be ensured, even if I have only a little understanding or information of the whole truth behind the scenes.

The Mindset Behind the Afghanistan Situation

A hidden powerful player must have good intentions for the world as a whole. But, the problem is very complex with many players involved. So, this hidden player allows the Taliban to move forward while the player leads the game from the back seat. Now that the Taliban have the power, a more powerful player plays his game through them. This hidden power has used the Taliban to step their foot on the Afghan territory.

The Taliban are just a piece of the puzzle that has been there anyway, and it had to be used in the right way. What this player wants to accomplish in Afghanistan is still a mystery. But it must be for the highest good. Maybe it is about women’s rights and their protection which would make sense. Their rudimentary living conditions say that Afghanistan has unexplored potential. This means that the same player might have also influenced the weapon companies to focus on world peace.


