Embracing the Power of XCFrameworks: A Comprehensive Guide for iOS Developers

Mihail Salari
5 min readAug 6, 2023




In the realm of iOS development, Apple is constantly striving to provide developers with tools to make development smoother and more effective. One such tool is the XCFramework, a powerful package that brings a host of benefits to the table. XCFrameworks are crucial to modern iOS development due to their flexibility and adaptability in dealing with multiple architectures and platforms.

Understanding XCFrameworks

At its core, an XCFramework is a type of package produced by Apple that can bundle multiple frameworks or libraries for different platforms and architectures into one. It’s an answer to the problems developers face when trying to support multiple platforms (iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS) or architectures (armv7, arm64, i386, x86_64) with a single product.

In contrast to static and dynamic libraries, XCFrameworks are more flexible. They allow for the bundling of multiple versions of a library or framework into a single product that can be used on many different platforms and architectures. This ability stands them apart from the older static and dynamic library methodologies and makes them a preferred choice for many developers.

The Advantages of XCFrameworks

The usage of XCFrameworks opens up an array of advantages. It allows for easier management of project dependencies, supports multiple architectures seamlessly, and provides an easier way to distribute software. These features reduce the complexity associated with managing multiple versions of libraries or frameworks.

Consider a real-world example, where a team is building an application that will be deployed on both iPhones and iPads. If this application uses a third-party library, using an XCFramework of that library can reduce compatibility issues and simplify the build process.

Creating an XCFramework

Creating an XCFramework is a straightforward process. You can use either the command-line interface (CLI) or Xcode. To use the CLI, first, compile the framework for each desired platform and architecture. Then, use the xcodebuild -create-xcframework command to bundle them together. In Xcode, select the platform and architecture you want to build for, then use the Product > Archive option to create an .xcarchive, which you can then export as an XCFramework. Remember to double-check your build settings to ensure that all necessary architectures are included.

Building an XCFramework

Building an XCFramework involves selecting the architectures you want to support (e.g., arm64 for modern iPhones, x86_64 for the simulator) and then using the build command to compile the framework for each one. Once compiled, these can then be bundled into the XCFramework.

Errors may occur during this process if the build settings are not configured correctly, or if there is an issue with the source code. It’s crucial to read the error messages carefully and troubleshoot accordingly. Often, a clean build or a review of the build settings can resolve these issues.

Structuring and Integrating an XCFramework

Structuring an XCFramework is about organizing your code and resources so that they can be effectively bundled. It’s recommended to separate the code into logical modules, each of which can be built into a separate framework.

Integrating an XCFramework into your project can be done manually or with a package manager like CocoaPods, Carthage, or Swift Package Manager. Manual integration involves adding the XCFramework to your project in Xcode and ensuring it’s included in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section of your target’s settings. With a package manager, the process is generally as simple as adding the framework to your package file and running the install command.

Practical Examples

Let’s consider two practical examples. In the first, you’re developing a shared library that will be used across multiple applications. By bundling this library as an XCFramework, you can more easily distribute it to the other teams, who can include it in their projects regardless of the platform or architecture they’re targeting.

In the second example, you’re working on a project that targets both iOS and macOS. By using XCFrameworks for your third-party dependencies, you can avoid having to manage separate versions of each dependency for each platform.

Common Pitfalls and Solutions

Like any development tool, working with XCFrameworks can have its challenges. For instance, one common issue is dealing with dependencies that haven’t been packaged as XCFrameworks. To resolve this, you can try to find an alternative dependency that is packaged as an XCFramework or, if the source code is available, package the dependency yourself.

The Future of XCFrameworks

With the continuous evolution of the iOS development ecosystem, the future of XCFrameworks looks promising. As developers gain more experience with them, we can expect to see them become even more widely used. The flexibility and convenience they offer make them an essential tool in a developer’s toolkit.


To sum up, XCFrameworks are a powerful tool in iOS development. They simplify the process of managing dependencies and make it easier to support multiple platforms and architectures. If you haven’t already started using XCFrameworks in your projects, now is the perfect time to start.

In the ever-evolving landscape of iOS development, it’s essential to stay adaptable and open to new tools and technologies. XCFrameworks represent an evolution in how we manage dependencies and support multiple platforms, providing a glimpse into the future of iOS development.

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Mihail Salari

📱🏆 Senior iOS Engineer / Tech Lead - Made Big Apps for Banks, Crypto and Corporations 🚀 - "Turning Ideas into Apps, and Apps into Success 📱"