Mastering iOS Code Quality: 12 Essential Strategies for Developers 🛠️

Mihail Salari
4 min readAug 17, 2023


Monday at Endava started with the usual hustle and bustle. Coffee mugs in hand, John, the team lead, addressed the morning’s prime concern: a sudden surge of bug reports over the weekend.

Greg, always confident in his work, smirked, “Probably just a minor glitch. My weekend update was just a ‘small fix’, after all.” Victoria, a recent addition to the team, nervously scanned her recent commits, hoping she hadn’t accidentally uploaded her “experimental” code.

Hours of investigation later, the mystery was unveiled: Greg’s “insignificant” code tweak. Digging deeper, they stumbled upon his comment next to the offending line: “Temporary fix. Remind me later. 🍕 break now!”

John chuckled, “So much for ‘minor’ changes!” Victoria sighed in relief, while Greg… well, Greg owed the team pizza for the next sprint review.

Lesson? Even small tweaks deserve big attention. Now, onto 12 ways to refine your iOS code! 🚀📱💎

1. Modular Organization with Extensions 📁
Use extensions proactively. Group functionalities for a logical and organized codebase. Extensions enhance modularity, and a modular codebase is easier to maintain and debug.

// MARK: - Networking
extension MyAppModel {
// MARK: - UI Actions
extension MyAppView {

2. Impose a Line Count Discipline 📏
Intricate files are challenging to debug and understand. Set a line count threshold. When surpassed, consider modularization or refactoring for clarity.

3. Self-Documenting Code is King 👑
The code should explain itself. Always prefer clear, descriptive variable and function names over comments.

let userPurchaseCount = 4
func updateUserProfile(withName userName: String, age: Int) { .. }

4. Lean on typealias for Semantic Clarity 🏷️
typealias isn't just syntactic sugar; it aids in enhancing the code's self-documenting nature.

typealias UserCredentials = (username: String, password: String)

5. Error Handling: Not an Afterthought ⚠️
Anticipate errors. Implementing thorough error handling not only prevents crashes but also elevates user experience by providing informative feedback.

do {
} catch let error as NetworkError {
presentAlert(withTitle: "Network Error", message: error.localizedDescription)

6. Force Unwrapping: Handle with Care ❗
While Swift permits force unwrapping, it’s a hotspot for crashes. Always prefer optional binding.

if let validNumber = Int(possibleNumberString) {

7. Protect Sensitive Information Religiously 🔐
Security breaches can be catastrophic. Hash sensitive data before transactions and consider using the keychain for storing confidential information.

8. Combat Code Duplication 🔄
Encountering repeated logic? Time to abstract and centralize. Functions and classes are there for a reason: use them.

9. Internationalization & Message Management 🌍
In today’s globalized world, localizing your app can greatly increase its reach. Centralizing messages ensures consistency and facilitates localization.

enum AppMessages {

10. Efficiently Harness Foundation Features 🚀
Before reinventing the wheel, dive into iOS’s Foundation framework. Often, there’s a built-in function for common tasks.

let names = users.compactMap({ $ })

11. Adopt Test-Driven Development (TDD) 🧪
For a truly robust codebase, embrace TDD. Write tests before code, ensuring every module performs as intended and is resistant to future changes.

12. Peer Reviews & Pair Programming 👀
Two eyes are good; more are better. Regularly engaging in code reviews and pair programming sessions can help catch subtle errors and introduce diverse problem-solving approaches.

Mastery in coding isn’t static — it’s an evolving journey of continuous learning and refinement. These strategies, combined with dedication and practice, will ensure your iOS code stands out in quality and performance.

For more insights, queries, or collaborations, feel free to connect. Join the discourse in the comments and share your experiences!

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If you’re eager to delve deeper into these challenges and equip yourself with comprehensive strategies to tackle them, consider investing in a resource that compiles iOS interview insights. 📘 “Cracking the iOS Interview” is one such gem, providing knowledge, confidence, and insights to conquer any iOS development challenge and interview.

📚 Interested? Dive into the world of iOS expertise and grab your copy here. Happy coding! 🎉👨‍💻👩‍💻

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Mihail Salari

📱🏆 Senior iOS Engineer / Tech Lead - Made Big Apps for Banks, Crypto and Corporations 🚀 - "Turning Ideas into Apps, and Apps into Success 📱"