Why MVL is (or should be) your friend

Mihai Rusu
2 min readMay 1, 2018


First of all, let me be honest: I don’t know enough as I would like to about blockchain. I understand the basics, but I couldn’t explain it to a crypto-enthusiast that tries to go in depth regarding the technology behind. But after some months in the crypto-sphere, I really think that I can spot some fantastic use-cases that could lead to unexpected advancements in specific fields.

This is why I would like to take a brief look at a project that aims to change the way we think (and use) vehicles. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you MVL: Mass Vehicle Ledger (be careful, it’s spelled “em-buh l” ;) ).

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice!

I won’t present a long list of reasons, but rather briefly mention what I consider as being most important about it. Do you remember that moment in The Graduate, when Dustin Hoffman has to listen to that old man’s speech right after graduating? You definitely do, since it’s all about “Plastics!”., isn’t it?:) Well, the key-word here is “vehicles”. Love them or hate them, we all use and need them (at least for now). I mean, we use blockchain for the music industry. How could we let vehicles behind?

And this is where this young Korean team comes into play. Backed by several respected advisors, they try to create an “incentive-based blockchain mobility system”. In other words, not only to connect the vehicles, but also to provide an incentivized ecosystem for a wide range of services based on this. It’s not only about the vehicles network, but about the institutional clients (companies, organizations, governments) and the individual users as well (drivers, passengers, providers, mechanics).

This way, all parties involved have a motivation and that leads to mutual trust. You might have seen projects aiming to store vehicles’ history on the blockchain. That’s only a small part of what MVL aims to provide in its final product. Some other projects use tokens to reward specific quality services. Well, that’s also included. Using MVL will not only help us avoid so many scams, but will lead to another great benefit: since safe driving will be rewarded, well… we’ll have safer cities.

Given the huge amount of data that needs to be processed (and that won’t decrease in the upcoming years), it’s no wonder that this finally seems doable in the blockchain era. I love movies, so I can’t stop quoting a famous one in here. When the final product will be ready and deployed, I have a strong feeling that we’ll look around and say like Dorothy (in “The Wizard of Oz”, you know that classic…): “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore…”. ;)

Until then, just take everything with a grain of salt, but mark my words: MVL is (or should be) your friend!:)

