Managing API: Basic Checklist

Mihailo Cvetkovic
6 min readDec 11, 2022


Or — if you’re into click baits — “The Ultimate API Checklist: 7 Essential Steps for a Killer API”

Every time I start coding an API backend, I regret not making a checklist the previous time.

Luckily, this time I’ve got you (us) covered.

These principles are based on experience, best practices, and solid reasoning; they have proven time and again to be effective, and they are here to ensure that your API is as useful and performant as possible.

I’ll explain why and how to implement each point and provide a standalone article for each one of them in the next couple of days, so you know exactly what you’re doing.

Use this checklist at the end of development and while coding, and even if you’re already using the API, it’s good to review it to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. You know it, the more basic the thing is, the greater the chance of forgetting it.

It’s very difficult to make any general statements about design patterns; different frameworks, different languages, and different situations require different approaches. This checklist contains examples that are written for the Laravel framework, even though the checklist is not Laravel-exclusive. Its principles apply to all(?) other frameworks and languages as well.

This list covers most of the essentials for a well-designed and effective API but is by no means complete. Always use your head first!

A web developer, unsure whether his API will hold up under pressure.

1. Security 🚔

APIs must be designed with security in mind right from the start in order to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

This means implementing secure authentication and authorization mechanisms, such as requiring users to provide a unique identifier and password in order to access the API.

It’s also a good idea to encrypt traffic using HTTPS, which helps to prevent attackers from intercepting and reading sensitive data.

In addition to authentication and encryption, it’s important to implement rate limiting, which restricts the number of requests that a user can make to the API within a given period of time.

This can help to prevent excessive requests from overwhelming your API server, which can cause performance issues and increase the risk of security vulnerabilities.

By implementing these and other security measures, you can help to protect your API and the data it accesses from unauthorized access and potential attacks.

Read more:

🔗 Here I cover more about (Laravel) API Security

2. Performance 💨

When designing your API, it’s important to focus on performance and scalability in order to ensure that it can handle a large number of requests without becoming slow or unresponsive.

This means optimizing your API endpoints for speed and efficiency and implementing caching and other techniques to reduce the load on your server. Caching involves storing frequently used data in memory or on disk so that it can be quickly accessed without having to retrieve it from the database every time.

This can significantly improve the performance of your API, especially if it receives a high volume of requests. In addition to implementing caching, you should also monitor the API’s performance and use tools like load testing to identify and fix potential performance bottlenecks.

By focusing on performance and scalability, you can ensure that your API remains fast and efficient and that it continues to meet the needs of your users.

Read more:

🔗 Detailed (Laravel) API Performance Checklist

3. Documentation 📜

I’m pretty sure you’re aware of this one and trying to avoid it, but anyway — In order to make it easier for developers to integrate with your API, it’s important to provide clear and detailed documentation.

This documentation should include information on how to use each endpoint, the parameters it accepts, and the format of the responses it returns.

By providing this information in an easily accessible format, you can help developers quickly and easily understand how to use your API, which will save them time and effort and improve their overall experience.

Additionally, consider providing code examples and other helpful resources, such as tutorials and guides, to make it even easier for developers to integrate with your API.

Clear and detailed documentation is an essential part of building a successful API, and it can help to improve the overall user experience and adoption of your API.

Read more:

🔗 A comprehensive (Laravel) API Documentation checklist

4. Error handling ⛈️

In order to help developers diagnose and fix issues when they arise, it’s important to implement (often robust) error-handling mechanisms in your API.

This should include detailed error messages and codes that provide developers with specific information about what went wrong.

By providing this information, developers can quickly identify and fix issues, which will improve the overall reliability and stability of your API. Also, DX (Developer Experience) will grow — kudos.

Additionally, consider implementing mechanisms for logging errors and monitoring the API’s performance, so that you can quickly identify and address any potential issues before they become serious problems.

Also, no one knows the cavities of your API better than your users, consider providing ways for developers to report errors and provide feedback. And prepare yourself, you might get surprised.

This will help to ensure that your API remains reliable and efficient and that it continues to meet the needs of your users.

5. Versioning 🧬

If you plan to make changes to your API in the future, consider implementing versioning to ensure that existing apps that rely on it continue to function properly.

Versioning involves assigning different versions of your API to different users and allowing them to choose which version they want to use.

This allows you to make changes to your API without breaking existing apps that depend on it and gives users the ability to continue using the old version of the API if they prefer.

It also helps to prevent compatibility issues and allows users to transition to the new version of the API at their own pace.

When implementing versioning, it’s a good idea to provide clear documentation and communication channels so that users can easily understand and access the different versions of your API.

6. Testing 🧪

After you’ve developed your API, it’s crucial to thoroughly test it to make sure that it functions properly and can handle a high volume of requests.

This should include both functional testing, which involves testing the API’s individual components and features, as well as performance testing, which involves simulating real-world usage scenarios and measuring the API’s response times and overall performance.

By conducting thorough testing, you can identify and fix any issues before releasing the API to the public, which will help ensure that it is reliable and efficient. Additionally, it’s a good idea to have a process in place for monitoring the API’s performance over time, so that you can quickly identify and address any performance issues that may arise.

7. Maintenance 🧹

Have a plan in place for maintaining and updating your API over time, including a process for releasing new versions, fixing bugs, and addressing security vulnerabilities.

This plan should include a process for releasing new versions of the API, as well as procedures for fixing bugs and addressing any security vulnerabilities that may arise.

Regularly updating and maintaining your API will help ensure that it remains well-grounded and secure and that it continues to meet the needs of your users.

In addition, it’s a good idea to establish clear communication channels with your API users so that they are aware of any updates or changes that are being made to the API.

If you follow these basic rules, creating and maintaining Laravel APIs is simple. Overall, designing APIs of any kind with usability, performance, and security in mind is essential, as it provides developers with clear and thorough documentation and support.

Is there any check you missed on this list? Let me know in the comments!

A happy web developer, sure that his API is functioning perfectly.

