Java Virtual Machine(3)


Lets talk about the inside of the JVM

A high-level picture of JVM is under

high-level picture of JVM

What is the inside of the JVM it has 3 components as Under

  1. Load >>> Class Loader
  2. Store >>> Memory Area
  3. Execute >>>Execution Engine

Let's discuss the Memory area (Later will discuss others)

We have 5 different areas in the Memory area

5 different areas in the Memory area
  1. Method Area When you load the class it will load all the class information into Method area
  2. Heap Area all the objects data will come here
  • Each an every JVM we have only one heap area and one method area

3.Stack it will keep the method information

4.PC Registers Hold the information about next exuction

5.Native Mathod area This are will provide facility to hold that native method and method information stuff

