Why You Should Stop Using @Value Annotations In Spring (And Use This Instead)

Mikael Svens
4 min readMar 19, 2024

If you have been working with Java and Spring Boot, I’m sure you have come across the @Value annotation. I’m here to show you an alternative to use instead — which is much better than using the @Value way of doing it.

Photo by Tianyi Ma on Unsplash

Let’s have a look at the classic @Value annotation in Spring, it may look something like this:

The @Value annotation can be used for injecting values into Spring managed beans. In this example we have a service that is responsible for managing JSON Web Tokens or JWT:s for short.

Here we try to inject the client secret from the application.properties file. The secret is a configuration and not something we would want to hardcode.

We’ve also defined a default value from the constant DEFAULT_SECRET if the property is not found.

So what are the disadvantages of this approach?

Here are the three main disadvantages of using this approach. I will discuss every one in more detail below.

  1. No separation of configuration and service implementation. We want…



Mikael Svens

Freelance software engineer. Writing mostly about Java, React, TypeScript and AI. Follower of Jesus. Happily married. Father of 3 lovely boys. Drummer.