How To Find Film Investors

Mikael Cross
2 min readAug 25, 2020

How do you find film investors for your projects? Maybe this question is one of the most frequent questions I get from filmmakers. Ps. For more insights, make sure to give a follow on IG @FilmIndustry101 or check out the blog on

There will always be people looking to invest their money and all of them are different in how they invest. Some play it safe. Some like taking high risks.

“You need to come in contact with investors that like high risks and the glamour that goes with the red carpet premieres and private dinners with actors, but never sugar-coat your movie projects. You need to be honest and tell them that It’s a high risk game.”

Your job is to find them, but keep in mind that timing is everything. Even if you get rejected today, dosen´t mean that you’ll get rejected next time you ask.

But Where Do You Find Them?

The answer is; Everywhere. Often at places you’d expect it the least. Several of the investors who invested in my projects were people I met when I was working as a cab driver back in the days. You can meet your potential investors at a screening, private party or even at the gym. Don’t be afraid of telling people around you that you’re looking for investors. You never know who knows whom.

When you know WHO you want to approach for financing, the next step is to know HOW you approach them. Meeting with investors is like going on a first date. You need to impress and be ready to sell your project verbally. It’s also important that you have a great presentation package to give in case they wanna take a look.



Mikael Cross

Film & TV Industry Insights With Producer And Creative Director Mikael Cross. For more posts check out