Exploring Eritrea: A Guide to the 10 Most Enchanting Destinations

Mikal Zeray Semereab
10 min readOct 18, 2023


Originally published in poster at Eritrean Festival in July18, 2022 as colloborative work between Mikal Zeray and Artist Afewerki Haile for the ministry of tourism hall.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

Considering a trip to Eritrea in the coming year? Discover some of the country’s most captivating destinations. Prepare to be mesmerized by the charm of these stunning sights and locations.

Exploring Eritrea means discovering a canvas painted with its most captivating spots. Imagine diving into an underwater paradise at the Dahlak Marine National Park or reaching the very top of Mountain Emba Soira, the tallest point in the country, where the sky feels like it’s just a fingertip away. Walk through the ancient streets of Massawa, a city with a history stretching back 1,500 years, or explore the remains of Qohaito, an old city with stories from a long time ago. Eritrea is more than just places; it’s a collection of unique experiences — admiring the cool architecture of the Fiat Tagliero building from the time of the Italians. Each spot is like a different chapter, inviting you to uncover the fascinating story of Eritrea’s less-known but abundantly beautiful corners. Ready for the adventure?

1. Asmara (aka the small Rome)

Nestled in the highlands of the Horn of Africa, Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, emerges as a captivating blend of architectural wonders and cultural richness. Its streets boast well-preserved Italian Art Deco buildings from the 1930s, creating a distinctive ambiance. One of its notable landmarks, the Fiat Tagliero Building, with its futuristic design resembling an airplane ready for takeoff, adds a unique touch to the city’s skyline.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

Beyond the aesthetics, Asmara’s charm lies in its vibrant markets, such as the Medeber Market, providing insight into the daily lives of locals and showcasing traditional craftsmanship. The city’s religious diversity is reflected in significant places of worship, including the grand St. Mary’s Cathedral and the Al Khulafa Al Rashiudin Mosque. For those seeking a sensory experience, Asmara’s café culture is a treat, offering a glimpse into the cherished tradition of coffee-making passed down through generations. Amidst the city’s coffee shops, the ritual of enjoying a cup of authentically brewed Eritrean coffee becomes an art form accompanied by the soothing sounds of Tigrigna music.

Asmara transcends being a mere city; it stands as a living museum and a testament to resilience. Its ability to seamlessly blend the past with the present makes it the ultimate destination in Eritrea, promising travelers an unparalleled and unforgettable experience.

2. Debre Bizen Monastery

Situated on the elevated Nefasit plateau, the Debre Bizen Monastery is both a spiritual sanctuary and a marvel of ancient architecture. With origins dating back to the 14th century, this Orthodox Christian monastery not only delves into Eritrea’s religious past but also treats visitors to awe-inspiring panoramic views. The journey to reach Debre Bizen is an adventurous pilgrimage, guiding travelers through challenging treks along rugged terrains and winding paths. The ultimate reward is a breathtaking sight: expansive views of the Eritrean highlands, with the distant Red Sea shimmering on the horizon.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

In Eritrea’s collection of hidden treasures, the Debre Bizen Monastery shines as a premier destination. Here, the convergence of nature’s majesty, human endurance, and faith weaves an indelible experience that remains etched in one’s heart long after the pilgrimage concludes.

Inside the monastery, the walls echo tales from centuries ago, adorned with ancient manuscripts, religious artifacts, and vibrant frescoes that narrate the region’s rich heritage. Monks, known for their wisdom and warm smiles, contribute to the spiritual atmosphere by sharing stories of the monastery’s storied past. While the monastery maintains specific visiting hours and is exclusively open to men, the surrounding areas provide serene spots for meditation, reflection, and capturing the picturesque scenery through photography.

3. Massawa

Massawa extends beyond being a mere port city; it stands as a vibrant blend of diverse cultures and histories. Positioned strategically on the Red Sea, Massawa has played a pivotal role as a maritime hub for centuries. The city’s architectural tapestry mirrors a fusion of influences, ranging from Ottoman to Italian, making it a captivating destination for both history enthusiasts and architecture aficionados. Massawa emerges as one of the most enchanting cities in Eritrea, offering a visual feast of historical and cultural richness.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

Moreover, Massawa serves as a gateway to some of Eritrea’s most breathtaking locations, such as the Dahlak Islands. Accessible by a short boat journey from Massawa, these islands make the city an ideal hub for embarking on further adventures. For sea lovers keen on exploring more of the country’s wonders, Massawa is a must-visit in Eritrea.

Yet, Massawa isn’t solely about history and maritime escapades; it is also celebrated for its lively markets and delectable seafood. The local cuisine, a delightful blend of African, Arabian, and Italian flavors, offers a culinary experience as diverse as the city’s own history. Massawa becomes a place where each corner narrates a unique story, and every meal becomes a journey through a mosaic of cultures, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Eritrea’s coastal gem.

4. Dahlak Marine National Park

If you were captivated by the Dahlak Islands, get ready to be enchanted by the Dahlak Marine National Park, elevating the allure of the Red Sea to new heights. This safeguarded area emerges as a haven for divers, standing out as one of Eritrea’s most captivating destinations. With vibrant coral reefs, diverse marine life, and pristine waters, it’s a haven for underwater enthusiasts.

Source: Archieves (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

Dedicated to preservation, the national park ensures the safeguarding of marine ecosystems for future generations. This not only positions it as a tourist destination but also establishes it as a pivotal hub for advancing marine biology research. It stands as one of Eritrea’s destinations that seamlessly blends adventure with educational value, transforming your visit into a enriching experience.

Embarking on boat tours proves to be a favored method to explore the park, providing opportunities for snorkeling and diving. Each dive site unveils a distinct world, ranging from underwater caves to coral gardens. It authentically captures the essence of Eritrea’s marine beauty, solidifying its status as a must-see in Eritrea for anyone with a passion for the ocean.

5. Semenawi Bahri National Park

Semenawi Bahri National Park is like a paradise for nature lovers. Nestled in the highlands of Eritrea, this national park is like a haven for a variety of plants and rare birds, making it a real-life museum of nature. If you enjoy being outdoors, it’s one of the most stunning spots in Eritrea.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

You won’t get bored in the park — there are plenty of things to do. Trails for hiking wind through the green landscapes, leading you to spots where you can see amazing views all around. It’s a perfect place for taking pictures, capturing the true beauty of Eritrea’s nature. That’s why it’s one of the greatest parts of Eritrea for people who love being outside.

What makes Semenawi Bahri special is its microclimate. This area gets more rain than other parts of Eritrea, creating a lush, green environment that stands out from the dry regions. It’s a place that displays the diverse nature of Eritrea, making it a necessary visit for anyone curious about the country’s natural treasures.

6. Qohaito

Qohaito is like a treasure chest for people who love history and archaeology. This ancient city, believed to go back to times before Axum, opens a window into Eritrea’s deep history. The remains, which include temples, old homes, and stelae, give us a fascinating look into the civilizations that once lived here. For those who enjoy the historical side of travel, Qohaito is one of Eritrea’s most beautiful places.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

The Safira Dam is the old city’s most famous spot, and it’s a marvel of engineering that has lasted through the years. Made with precisely cut stones, the dam shows how skilled ancient Eritreans were in engineering. It’s a must-see in Eritrea, especially for those who admire the cleverness of ancient civilizations.

But Qohaito isn’t only about history; it’s also surrounded by amazing natural views. The nearby plateau gives you panoramic sights of the area, including the Danakil Depression and the Red Sea. It’s one of those beautiful places in Eritrea where history and nature blend together, giving travelers a rich and varied experience.

7. Mountain Emba Soira

Climbing to the top of Mt. Emba Soira is a big challenge, but it’s totally worth it. This mountain is the tallest in Eritrea, standing over 3,000 meters high. The view from up there is amazing, especially on a clear day when you can even see the Red Sea far away. It’s a perfect place for people who love hiking and definitely one of the most beautiful spots in Eritrea.

But Mt. Emba Soira isn’t just for thrill-seekers; it’s also a cool place for science lovers. There are weather stations and research places on the peak collecting important data for climate studies. If you enjoy both nature and science, this is a must-see spot in Eritrea.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

The journey to the top is an adventure itself, going through different landscapes like rocky paths and green forests. You’ll see lots of different plants and animals along the way, making the hike even more interesting. Mt. Emba Soira shows off the diverse nature of Eritrea, making it a special place to visit if you want to experience the country’s natural beauty.

8. Keren

Keren, often called Eritrea’s second city, is a captivating mix of nature and history. Found in the northern part of the country, the city is surrounded by hills and valleys, creating a beautiful landscape that invites travelers to explore. One of Keren’s top spots is the lively Monday market. Local traders come from nearby villages to sell all kinds of things, like beautifully woven fabrics and fresh fruits. The market is even more special with camels around, used for transportation, giving it a unique feel.

For those interested in history, Keren has British and Italian war cemeteries. These well-kept places remind everyone of the battles fought here during World War II. They honor the soldiers who gave their lives, providing a quiet moment to think in the midst of the city’s busy atmosphere.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

Adventure lovers shouldn’t miss checking out the nearby Laelay Gash River. Its clear waters wind through the landscape, creating peaceful spots perfect for picnics or just enjoying nature’s beauty.

Keren’s charm is boosted by its friendly locals. Their warm welcome, along with the city’s various attractions, makes Keren one of the most beautiful cities in Eritrea that every traveler should visit. Walking its streets and talking to its people will show you that Keren is a city with a heart, eager to share its stories with those who want to listen.

9. Nakfa

Nakfa holds a special place in the hearts of Eritreans, being the birthplace of the country’s fight for independence. Brimming with history and resilience, the town, although still showing signs of past conflicts, has become a symbol of national pride. It’s one of those must-visit destinations in Eritrea that allows a deep exploration of the country’s history of armed struggle for independence.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

Nakfa isn’t solely about its historical significance. Surrounded by rugged landscapes, the town offers numerous opportunities for outdoor activities. Whether it’s hiking or off-road biking, adventure seekers will find plenty to engage in. Nakfa stands as a destination that seamlessly blends history, adventure, and natural beauty, making it a must-see in Eritrea for a comprehensive travel experience.

10. Danakil Depression

Embark on a journey into an otherworldly realm as you set foot in the Danakil Depression, a remarkable destination renowned as one of the hottest and lowest points on Earth. This amazing landscape is equipped with a vibrant array of colors, courtesy of its lava lakes, sulfur springs, and mineral deposits. Defying the conventions of natural beauty, the Danakil Depression stands in stark contrast to Eritrea’s typically verdant landscapes, making it a must-visit for the adventurous at heart.

Source: Artist Afewerki Haile (Ministry of Tourism of the state of Eritrea)

Despite its seemingly inhospitable appearance, the Danakil Depression is surprisingly teeming with life. From extremophile microorganisms to resilient nomadic tribes, the region serves as a testament to life’s adaptability in the most challenging conditions. For those intrigued by the extremes our planet offers, this unique facet makes the Danakil Depression an essential stop on any Eritrean itinerary.

Originally published at Eritrean Festival in July18, 2022 as colloborative work between Mikal Zeray and Artist Afewerki Haile for the ministry of tourism hall.

