“Start with Why” -PM Mental Model #5

Mike Doull
4 min readMar 14, 2024


Just today I was reading a, to remain anonymous, book on my other passion Data where I was presented with “ Our Data Mission” to build a company’s Data Culture of:

We will:

- Define centrally governed data handling standards.

- Introduce cross-functional MDM, based on a single source of truth.

- Ensure good Data Quality through the measurement and improvement initiatives.


While the book has been a great read I couldn’t help thinking of today’s featured and excellent book “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek. As a product manager, your role is not just about managing features or delivering projects; it’s about inspiring teams, aligning stakeholders, and driving meaningful impact. “Start with the Why” offers a powerful Mental Model to guide your product vision, mission, and strategy, ensuring every decision and action is rooted in a deep understanding of purpose.

Some of the most successful and upcoming companies inspire loyalty from employees and customers alike via big bold mission statements based on the principle of “Start with WHY”, think about the impact of these company’s mission statements and compare them to “Start with WHAT” statements I have written:


WHAT: “To develop cutting-edge technologies and services for organizing, indexing and delivering information”

WHY: “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

Google’s “WHY” mission statement reflects a broader vision of democratizing access to knowledge and empowering individuals through information. By “Starting with the Why” Google inspires employees and customers alike to contribute to a world where information is readily available and beneficial to all at real-time speed.


WHAT: “To provide convenient and affordable transportation solutions through a digital platform connecting riders with driver.”

WHY: “To provide transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere, for everyone”

Ubers “WHY” mission statement highlights its ambition to revolutionize transport. By framing transportation in terms of necessity Uber communicates a sense of urgency and purpose. This mission statement resonates with both drivers and riders by offering a vision of seamless and reliable transportation services for everyone, regardless of location or circumstance.

ON Running

WHAT: “To design and manufacture high-performance running shoes and apparel for athletes for all levels”

WHY: “Ignite the human spirit through movement.”

ON Running’s “WHY” mission statement transcends the mere selling of running shoes; it speaks to a deeper purpose of igniting the human spirit through movement. By emphasizing the emotional and transformative power of physical activity, ON Running inspires customers to see running not just as exercise but as a catalyst for personal growth and fulfillment. This mission statement aligns with the company’s commitment to innovation, performance, and the ”joy of movement”.

Statements like these not only inspire but provide a vision of something bigger, they scream “we are going to change the world, so come along and join the ride” and they also inspires incredible loyalty.

So here is the mental model:

Define Your Purpose:

  • Start by asking: Why does your product exist? What fundamental problem does it solve, and for whom?
  • Clearly articulate your purpose concisely and compellingly. This is your “why” statement, it should inspire and guide everything you do.

Align your Team:

  • Share your “why” statement with your team and ensure everyone understands and embraces it.
  • Encourage team members to connect their individual roles and tasks to the broader purpose of the product.
  • Foster a culture where decisions are guided by a shared purpose, rather than just short-term goals or tasks.

Understand your Customers:

  • Dive deep into understanding your customers’ desires, and pain points.
  • Use empathy to put yourself in your customers’ shoes and see the world from their perspective.
  • Map out customer journeys and personas to gain insights into how your product can best serve them.

Craft your Product Strategy:

  • Develop a product strategy that is directly aligned with your purpose and informed by your understanding of customers.
  • Identify the key features and functionalities that will deliver the most value to your customers while staying true to your “WHY”.
  • Consistently reinforce the connection between your purpose and the actions you take as a product team.

Iterate and Improve:

  • Continuously gather feedback from customers and stakeholders to refine your understanding of their needs and preferences.
  • Iterate on your product based on this feedback, always keeping your purpose in mind.
  • Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement, seeking new ways to better fulfil your purpose and create value for your customers.

By embracing the “Start with Why” mental model, you can elevate your role as a product manager from merely managing products to leading with purpose and vision. By defining and staying true to your purpose, aligning your team, understanding your customers deeply, crafting a strategic roadmap, communicating effectively, and iterating relentlessly, you can build products that truly inspire loyalty from your customers and make a difference in the world.



Mike Doull

Data Product Management | Data Platform | Data Science & Analytics | Data Strategy | API Economy.